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This exhibition unveiled treasures from the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. These masks, statues, figurines and carvings from the Tervuren Museum's vast collections ? many of which had never been shown before ? undoubtedly represent some of the highlights of Central African art
Added on: Jan 28, 2001 | Hits: 23391
From Marcia`s Mexican Wonders
Added on: Jun 06, 2002 | Hits: 23448
Welcome to the collection of African tribal art featuring over 1,000 artifacts from 100 ethnic groups. Items on display include wooden and bronze statues, masks, religious, ritual and domestic objects, furniture and weapons. Learn about art, culture and history of each ethnic group.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 23293
old fasnacht masks
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 24425
Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository . To the Alutiit, masks are - agayulq?taq - "something to hold sacred." Carving Traditions explores these spiritual objects. It examines the creation and use of masks in classical Alutiiq society and considers how contemporary carvers are reawakening and reinterpreting this ancestral art.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 23069
The Arizona State Museum houses over 500 contemporary Mexican masks, a large portion of the Donald Cordry Collection. Visitors to the Paths of Life exhibit will see fine examples of Yaqui and Mayo Pascola masks from one of the largest collections in any American museum. Several world class African masks were given to the Museum by African art connoisseur and former Brooklyn Museum Curator, Frederick Pleasants, in the 1960s.
Added on: Oct 13, 2002 | Hits: 23380
At Arizona State Museum, USA. Here displayed: Mexican masks
Added on: Sep 25, 2002 | Hits: 23006
In Starzach-Bierlingen finden Sie das "Fasnets-M?skle-Museum".Der Be-treiber Gerold Weschenmoser ist mit seiner eindrucksvollen Sammlung im Guinness Buch 2000 eingetragen! Der Holzschnitzer Josef Bauer aus Starzach-Bierlingen ist bekannt als Schnitzer-Experte f?r Holzmasken vieler Narrenz?nfte im s?ddeutschen Raum. Einen Termin zur Besichtigung k?nnen Sie unter Telefon 07483/1285 vereinbaren.
Added on: Nov 24, 2002 | Hits: 23313
(In german) History of local carnival customs, masks and costumes, writing and documents.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 24416
Torb?ckgasse 1, 85110 Kipfenberg, Tel. 08465/3232 u. 669 Ge?ffnet: April-Okt. Mi. 16.00-18.00, So. 14.00-17.00
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 22957
The homepage of Anmassalik Museum, Greenland.
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 24299
An introduction to these historic wooden masks and their use in dramatic performances. Includes photo galleries and a contact address.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 22653
Among the Haida, masks were used mostly by members of the secret societies. Secret society dances frequently used both masks and puppets to represent wild spirits of the woods, which the Haida called gagiid. The Haida also employed masks in potlatch performances to illustrate the spirit beings encountered by their ancestors
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 22822
The very special Mask Museum in Belgium. A must see site. A must go place.
Added on: Aug 05, 2002 | Hits: 24379
Informative and showing wonderful masks....
In the Presence of Spirits is an exhibition of highlights from the African art collection of the Museu Nacional de Etnologia in Lisbon, Portugal. Although the Portuguese National Museum has organized and participated in several exhibitions of African art, no exhibition highlighting their African collection has ever traveled to the United States and very few of the objects in the museum?s collection have ever been on view outside of Europe.
Added on: Nov 13, 2001 | Hits: 24403
2000 masks from all around the world in exhibition at D-86420 Diedorf, Bavaria, 5km close to Augsburg direction to Memmingen at B300, middle of the village , Lindenstrasse1 . Free entrance at tuesday from 17.00 till 18.00. Groups wellcome too monday to wednesday from 16.00 till 22.00 by request 20 minutes before 0049/8238/60245 or 0049/1728230756. In wintertimes at weekends too. Students are free to look into my library with about 20.000 books about masks, ethnologie and folkart. All masks and the other 5000 objects of my ethnological collections can be found in foto-cd (jpg) and are available for 3 Euros plus shipping. Please feel free to contact ,if interested :webmaster@maskenmuseum.de We like everybody to give us free links to our homepage. www.maskenmuseum.de
Added on: Sep 10, 2004 | Hits: 26670
mask made in Africa, Russia and the USA
Added on: Apr 14, 2005 | Hits: 24586
In an evocative exhibition on the first floor of the White House, rhythmic drums and bells lead us into the world of masks and myths, beyond time and space. This is the actor Benkt-?ke Benktsson?s collection of masks, which takes us on a voyage through Africa, Asia, and Europe. IF YOU GO TO www.masks.org and click on MUSEUMS you can find photos from the maskexhibition in Lund.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 22196
GO TO " PAST EXHIBITS " April 1-May 28, 2000 Lakeview Museum celebrated the diversity of the world's cultures with an exhibit of many types of masks from various nations and activities with masking traditions. Ritual, social, sporting, and protective masks as well as photographs of masks within their cultural context explore the many meanings masks have taken.
Added on: Jun 20, 2001 | Hits: 21512
The Living Loft Giant Puppet Museum is more than just a repository for puppets from past projects and pageants. Rather, it is a dynamic place providing a visible, safe public space for the giant puppets made in the Philadelphia Region. For Spiral Q, it serves as yet another means for exposing puppets and pageantry as well as the history of Spiral Q to new constituents through group visits and scheduled museum activities
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 21856
from the Fowler Museum Collections
Added on: Nov 16, 2002 | Hits: 27397
Public Library of Nashville and Davidson County
Added on: Oct 13, 2002 | Hits: 26912
Sardinia has an old mask tradition. The museum site is part of a larger website about one specific area in Sardinia:Mamoiada. masks in use seen in several sections.
Added on: Apr 27, 2003 | Hits: 20013
The Pitt Rivers Museum has a range of masks from diverse ethnic communities including those in Africa, North America and Papua New Guinea, as well as theatre masks from Japan, Korea, Borneo and Tibet.
Added on: Aug 02, 2002 | Hits: 19501
The Pitt Rivers Museum has a range of masks from diverse ethnic communities including those in Africa, North America and Papua New Guinea, as well as theatre masks from Japan, Korea, Borneo and Tibet
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 21234