Category: Start / Festivals - carnivals - celebrations - holidyas
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Describing in short the tradition. Part of large website.
Added on: Jan 11, 2001 | Hits: 14883
The origins of this enchanting and dazzling celebration lie in the community spirit and appreciation of artistic expression; there is nothing like it anywhere else. Artist and mime Michael Gonzales, to celebrate his birthday, conceived the Parade in 1974. From its humble beginnings as a group of street artists, the Summer Solstice Celebration has evolved into a street carnival of more than 1,000 parade participants, complete with extravagant floats, whimsical costumes and creatively choreographed dancing ensembles. It is the largest single-day event in Santa Barbara County, drawing crowds from near and far of 100,000 spectators.
Added on: Jun 09, 2002 | Hits: 20133
walt disney
Added on: Nov 08, 2002 | Hits: 17385
Fabulous traditional event in Europe each year.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 17324
A Chinese proverb states that all creations are reborn on New Year?s day. The Chinese New Year is a celebration of change ... out with the old and in with the new!
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 16373
The inaugural Killarney SummerFest was deemed to be a huge success with a huge turnout at all of the events. Just some of the highlights were:
Added on: Nov 08, 2002 | Hits: 15416
The Philadelphia New Years Day Mummers Parade is a tradition of the city that dates back to pre-Colonial times, making it the oldest folk parade in the United States. The parade originates from a blend of Irish, Swedish, Finnish, English, German, and other European heritages. This great celebration of the new year takes place on the 1st of January, every year in Center City
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 15511
guides and info and wonderful photos
Added on: Apr 26, 2003 | Hits: 19798
The idea of organising a parade of floats to celebrate Carnival outdoors, all together along the streets, developed from some youths of the well-to-do society in February 1873 in the Caf? del Casino. Later this original event, which took place on the Sunday and Shrove Tuesday of February 1873, ripened in the Carnival of Viareggio, as it is known today; one of the most beautiful and magnificent spectacular events of the world.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 15828
The Virgen del Carmen Festival is one of the most authentic and colorful native religious celebrations in the Andes. It is a wonderful blend of pre-Columbian pagan rites and Roman Catholic worship, in which masked dancers perform powerful symbolic dances and rituals around the eternal battle between good and evil. After exploring and acclimatizing in Cusco, you'll trek and camp in lovely Andean valleys for several days, hiking past small villages and campesinos' farms.
Added on: Nov 04, 2001 | Hits: 15137