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Prof. Michael Meschke a Member of the Executive Committee of the Union International de la Marionnette; a director and film maker; author of "In Search of Aesthetics for the Puppet Theatre" talks to Dr.Gautam Chatterjee at a lunch break during ?Mask? Seminar at New Delhi.
Added on: Jun 01, 2001 | Hits: 11803
Added on: Jun 18, 2001 | Hits: 11979
Silent Treatment Wordless testimony to power of movement By Marina Wolf
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 11999
"When a masking ceremony was over special precautions had to be taken. Sources differ on exactly how these measures were carried out. It may have been necessary to protect some masks from human gaze, so as not to offend the spirits.18 Some say masks had to be guarded until they were discarded or else they might make mischief, such as knocking down other masks.19 Masks were sometimes burned,20 often taken to a place away from the village and allowed to go back into the earth, and sometimes given to children.21 "
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 12017
"I would like to express my admiration for the Haida people, who have created a cultural style worthy of endless study and perpetual preservation. The living culture is growing stronger every day as the Haida regain their numbers, their pride and control of their own destinies."
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 12024
This article is not about making masks (1) but is an invitation to readers to think about masks, their use and our relationship with them and offer some starting points for taking hold of mask work. So now, it might be helpful to take a step back and thing about what a mask might be: not its construction, but its purpose. When we take up a mask to dance in, use in ritual, to work magic with, we transform ourselves. Magical masks are not there to hide ourselves from our embarrassment or to conceal ourselves for villainy but to offer a face to a character waiting "over there" to come "over here" and act.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12042
If January, 1612, be the date of Love Restored, it is important for the student of the masque. Jonson innovated again on previous practice. The masque proper is preceded not by an antimasque, but by a scene of excellent comedy. The scene is the development in a new style of the part of the presenter, and still gives to that character the larger part of the dialogue, which is in prose.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12063
Elizabeth?s frugality prevented the masque from developing in her reign. It was in frequent use, but the queen had not the special taste for it which made it prominent as an amusement of the aristocracy in the courts of Henry VIII and James I. But ?entertainments,? during the queen?s numerous progresses, were plentifully produced. The entertainment was the masque out-of-doors, and consisted of some kind of welcoming device or function arranged for greeting the queen on her arrival, or ?discovered? afterwards, as she was conducted round gardens and park. The entertainment had more dramatic possibilities in it than the masque, because it depended less upon scenery, but the English climate kept it always short and slight.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12117
by Gregory Tobo My first experience with the neutral mask, was one of loss. I no longer had a mutable face by which I could express my emotions. As an actor, I had come to depend on my face to communicate. Now I could present only a blank unchanging visage.
Added on: Sep 12, 2002 | Hits: 12122
I first cast a basecast of my face. The second step is to build a mask on top of my face/basecast using various clays. Next the clay mask is removed from the basecast and decorated. The clay mask retains the imprint of my face on its underside while the front of the mask may look nothing like me. Each mask I create involves this cycle of connection and separation.
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 12144
In Italian. A link collection. For those who speak Italian. Lots of info, description of characters and their origin..
Added on: Apr 26, 2001 | Hits: 12147
Rediscovering Coyote and Raven The ancient art of spirit masks moves into the digital age By Joyce Riha Linik Art. on teaching maskmaking. 10-week interdisciplinary project is the brainchild of Tri-Valley technology teacher Sheila Craig. She came up with the idea after participating in an intensive professional development program called ARCTIC (Alaska Reform in the Classroom through Technology Integration and Collaboration) two years ago. This effort, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, helps teachers learn to weave technology into instruction in relevant and useful ways and to design effective learning environments that incorporate technology.
Added on: Jun 11, 2002 | Hits: 12153
Make a face to help restore the facade of The National Arts Club [15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY 10003]. An October 19th Benefit offers a stylish "Evening in Venice" with a Carnevale mask exhibit and auction, the NYC debut of a Venetian play "The Serpent Woman" [La Donna Serpente] written by Carlo Gozzi and performed by the Pontine Movement Theatre, and Mionetto's Venetian wines to accompany an Italian buffet. Here's your chance to make a mask to help raise funds for a landmarked arts club AND score a neat portfolio credit [as well as a tax deduction] for being part of a group exhibit at The National Arts Club AND gain valuable media exposure. All masks accepted for this auction will be previewed at a PRESS CONFERENCE luncheon October 19, 2000 from 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM. Art, fashion, lifestyle, online, and broadcast media will be invited along with VIPs, mask donors, and sponsors. Any mask accepted for this juried exhibition will also admit the maskmaker to our Oct. 19th Benefit and our Oct. 30th Hallowe'en Benefit for FREE [a $200+ value]. There will also be prizes for the most beautiful mask, funniest mask, and the mask that attracts the highest auction bid. [You do not have to be present to collect a prize.]
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 12161
By Cat Gonzalez. "....Mexicans love to wear masks, to dance and make music in a blazing display of fireworks, feasting and shooting off pistols. Appearances are deceptive; even the poorest pueblo collects money to celebrate the patron saint's day, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Independence Day and whatever else calls for gaiety and loud noise. Religious and historical dances can't be beat for noise: drums, conch shell horns, seed pods filled with gravel and tied around the legs. Many danzantes in the state of Jalisco affix clacking soles to their sandals The dancers wear masks or elaborate feather head dresses. Magical Rite In Jalisco a magical rite of pre-Hispanic origin is the dance of the paixtle, the Nahuatl word for moss. Twenty years ago they wore capes of moss, today dancers who represent sorcerers dress themselves in a fabric to represent moss and wear wooden or paper masks with human features, covering the head and face with a bandana. Forming two lines, they dance to the music of a violin playing a lovely sone, a type of indigenous music. They make fierce animal cries, shaking a staff carved with the head of a deer from which hangs a string of rattles....."
Added on: Apr 24, 2001 | Hits: 12174
Mummings and Disguisings: development of these into the Masque The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907?21). Volume VI. The Drama to 1642, Part Two.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12190
With respect to mask wearers, then, the first question to be asked is: can we even hope to gain access to inner states? And second, if access is possible, can the ontological status of the mask wearer be translated into a vernacular that is readily understood? [p. 232] On the African continent, the medium of the mask or the comprehensive costume of a masquerader is the invention of a spectral medium. A man, hitherto a young fledgling in the community, attains the status of a god or an ancestor under the mask. Women and children and households, including the peers of his mothers kneel before him for benediction and prayers - general or particular. He becomes a persona, a numinous invocation with a transient personality. He lasts only for the duration of the enactment. At that instance, the unknown is domesticated and brought within the realm of the living.
Added on: Jun 09, 2002 | Hits: 12193
There were no court masques in the beginning of 1606 and 1607; but Jonson was a second time requisitioned for the masque of 10 January, 1608. The queen wanted the daughters of Niger again, with ?their beauties varied according to promise,? and four ladies added to their number.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12197
+ link to maskmaking
Added on: May 09, 2002 | Hits: 12200
The chorus, unlike the actors, were non-professionals who had a talent for singing and dancing and were trained by the poet in preparation for the performance. The standard number of members of a chorus was twelve throughout most of Aeschylus's career, but was raised to fifteen by Sophocles. The chorus, like the actors, wore costumes and masks"
Added on: Jun 20, 2002 | Hits: 12200
The mask, as a mean of the dramatic transformation of one person into another identity, perhaps ranks among the oldest manifestation of human culture. There is evidence of the use of masks long before people started to cultivate the soil, and certainly before they discovered about the extraction and use of metals.
Added on: Jun 01, 2002 | Hits: 12201
Masksre a vehicle for not only personal but cultural expression worlwide
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 12206
By Kim, Dong Pyo The Hahoe masks are a precious cultural inheritance. Among the numerous types of masks in Korea, the Hahoe masks are the only ones designates as national treasures (No. 121; 2 Pyongsan masks included). They are also appraised as worldwide masterpieces of mask art. It is said that the Hahoe masks were originally comprised of 12 masks, of which only nine remain. The three lost masks, the Ch'onggak(bachelor), Ttoktari(servant), and pyolch'ae (low-grade government official) masks, are known only by their names.
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 12208