Category: Start / Articles on masks
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Here is a link to my mask making Facebook page. Updated almost daily with every mask project I am working on including personal work and custom commissions. Check it out!
Added on: Nov 10, 2014 | Hits: 43439
See also the files: masks-msg, theater-bib, theater-msg, cosmetics-msg, puppets-msg, jesters-msg, fabric-paint-msg, guilds-msg, feathers-msg.
Added on: Aug 02, 2002 | Hits: 29663
The Egyptians believed that death was simply a temporary interruption, rather than complete cessation, of life, and that eternal life could be ensured by means like piety to the gods, preservation of the physical form through Mummification, and the provision of statuary and other funerary equipment. Each human consisted of the physical body, the 'ka', the 'ba', and the 'akh'. The Name and Shadow were also living entities. To enjoy the afterlife, all these elements had to be sustained and protected from harm
Added on: Jan 29, 2001 | Hits: 13610
Specializing in Custom Leather & Neoprene Theatre Masks for Commedia dell?Arte, Pro-Wrestling, Opera, Dance, Clowns, Fashion, Custom made masks, Clown Noses, specializes in molding leather, odd projects & Judaica and teaching workshops. Clients include, Big Apple Circus, Patch Adams, WWF, WWE ?Mankind?, Phantom of the Opera.
Added on: Oct 16, 2006 | Hits: 12973
Discusses the use of basket yam masks in the harvest festivities of the Abelam people. Offers links to other New Guinea cultural pages. + PHOTOS
Added on: Jan 11, 2001 | Hits: 12893
Dr Gautam Chatterjee has studied Indian History as his academic specialization. His Ph.D thesis was on Social History. Dr. Chatterjee has done extensive archival research on various aspects of Indian Culture and Heritage. He has written many acamedic papers on Historical subjects and for common man he has been studying many aspects of Indian culture and did field study on various subjects.
Added on: Aug 13, 2001 | Hits: 11273
A mask is only powerful and meaningful when it is in motion in front of an audience. The audience, along with the accompanying musicians and attendants for whom the masker performs, is a very necessary part of a successful masquerade
Added on: Jan 28, 2001 | Hits: 10049
Site in German Dieses Tanzspiel mit den Masken ist ein pantomimisches Mysterienspiel und dessen Auff?hrungen z?hlen zu den feierlichen Gottesdiensten der Buddhisten. Das Wort ist tibetischen Ursprungs und bedeutet "Tanz".
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 9878
Here you can also learn about the old Pantomime Theatre in Tivoli Garden Copenhagen.Site in Danish and English.
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 9813
JAKARTA (indo.com): The National Museum is currently exhibiting some 100 Italian masks as part of its cultural exchange programs.
Added on: Feb 01, 2001 | Hits: 9304
My interests include African masks. Collection of African masks. Masks have also be used to discipline women, children, and criminals. For example, in Africa, a mother might paint a scary face on the bottom of a water gourd to make sure the child followed her directions. Along the Guinea coast of West Africa, many realistic masks represent ancestors; the masks symbolize sanction control when worn. The Dan and Ngere tribes of Liberia and Ivory Coast use ancestor masks as intermediaries for the transmission of petitions or offerings of respect to the gods.
Added on: Jun 23, 2002 | Hits: 9106
By: Christopher Baker The Balinese language has no separate word for art. To create is an integral part of existence; an activity as natural as planting and harvesting rice. Painting is everywhere, everywhere sculpture. As Noel Coward observed: "it appears that each Balinese native from the womb to the tomb is creative." Around Ubud and Mas, in Gianyar province, the shortest walk becomes a magical mystery tour of homegrown art, flourishing in courtyards where chickens scratch in the dirt and titiran birds coo-coo from their cages.
Added on: Aug 22, 2002 | Hits: 8704
... when male dancers appear, surrounded by their followers and wearing tall, heavy masks like this one, receiving salutations, praise names, and songs. The lower ...
Added on: Jan 30, 2001 | Hits: 8590
The Healing Power of Mask-making Katheryn Trenshaw is an American artist and workshop leader from Kalamazoo, Michigan who has recently moved to Devon, England. Throughout the U.S. and Europe she has exhibited her work and led workshops rooted in healing through creative expression, ritual, and movement To book a workshop, organise a lecture or an exhibit, or to receive more information please contact: Katheryn Trenshaw, P.O.Box 3, Totnes TQ9 5WJ, Devon, England
Added on: Apr 24, 2001 | Hits: 8439
Walking the Talk: Artists connecting with community
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 7901
+ Photos + sale The ?vejigante? is a make-believe character, full of energy and color. The vejigante masks are a classical example of the fusion of African, Spanish and Caribbean cultures in Puerto Rico. Masks are made from paper mache, coconut shells, metal and gourd plant
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 7711
Discusses the culture of the indigenous people of New Guinea, including body decoration and mask making.
Added on: Jan 11, 2001 | Hits: 7645
The dance dramas performed on Java and Bali probably originated in ancient rituals honoring the ancestors and for the deities of planting and harvest. Later, Hindu and Islamic religious beliefs added to the richness of the ceremonial stories...+PHOTOS
Added on: Jan 11, 2001 | Hits: 7587
Maskmakers mentioned. nice photos.
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 7342
by Priya Krishnaswamy briefly on Masks India
Added on: Jun 22, 2002 | Hits: 7182
(french version) Lots of groups. La vocation principale de Lieux Publics est la cr?ation d'?v?nements artistiques et festifs dans les espaces libres et ouverts des villes. Ces cr?ations s'appuient sur la tradition des Arts de la Rue et exp?rimentent de nouvelles formes d'?criture et de composition ? l'?chelle des environnements urbains modernes. Le th??tre, la danse, la musique, les arts forains et de prouesses, les arts plastiques, l'audiovisuel et les effets sp?ciaux sont les disciplines constitutives des ?v?nements de Lieux publics. Chaque projet g?n?re une mise en sc?ne et une sc?nographie urbaine originale et sp?cifique au site investi.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 7075
"Composed broadly of the two aspects "ritual worship" (saigi) and "celebration" (shukusai)1, Japanese festivals involve a wide variety of symbolic contents, and are supported by unique organizations, based on the principles of "harmony" and "opposition."2 In this paper I want to interpret the relationship between such symbols and organizations through the medium of a theory of cognition. Human perception is composed of three types of cognition: concrete sensory cognition (kankakuteki ninshiki), abstract conceptual cognition (gainenteki ninshiki), and what might be called an intermediate kind of cognition, namely, representational cognition (hy?sh?teki ninshiki), a form which is involved with everyday perception while still retaining some of the unique features of sensory cognition. The existence of symbols assumes the presence of representational cognition and conceptual cognition, while pure sensory cognition is excluded from the activity of symbol formation......."
Added on: Feb 11, 2002 | Hits: 7041
Some Photos and text from different traditions.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 6866
Ancestors are important, but not necessarily revered. The important quality is called imunu, the power that pervades things, including ritual objects. Imunu is personified in the masked ceremonies.
Added on: Jan 11, 2001 | Hits: 6800