Category: Start / Mask making / Methods
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CHARLOTTE'S WEB OF ILLUSION here reveals her secrets with very nice text and photos: "I use a technique called "Vacuuform" to make my masks. This process involves a Vacuuform machine, molds, plastic sheet goods, paints, trims and imagination."
Added on: Nov 26, 2002 | Hits: 27029
Instructions to make a fly mask using egg carton cups.
Added on: Jul 24, 2002 | Hits: 28341
The term papier m?ch? (pronounced p?p-ee-ay mash-?y) comes from the French phrase meaning "chewed paper." You can use papier m?ch? to make pi?atas, masks, jewelry, and lots of other crafts.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 28873
Mixing the Primary Colors Making Colors Lighter or Darker The Color Wheel: Colors opposite on the color wheel are complementary colors. For example, violet and yellow are complementary colors. The warm colors include reds and yellows; the cool colors include blues and violets. The neutral colors are black, white, and grays.
Added on: Oct 15, 2002 | Hits: 36362
Follow these helpful hints and have fun!
Added on: Nov 30, 2001 | Hits: 24642
Nothing betrays the hand of a poor prop builder quicker than something that is supposed to be gold, brass, silver or steel, but is obviously just a piece of wood or plastic covered with gold or silver spraypaint. No matter how good the shape, surface or decoration underneath might be, an unconvincing metal finish will ruin any prop instantly. On the other hand, a convincing metallic surface can often redeem lumpy and otherwise unfortunate props.
Added on: May 31, 2002 | Hits: 22697
"This is a very old method of "painting" that can be dated as far back as the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Heated coloured wax is applied hot to a surface in a series of layers.It's recent revival is due to a strong Dutch interest in encaustic art. The major practitioners being based in the Netherlands. On the web there are some very informative sites. For those who have some tired old masks this may be just the method to employ in search of their renovation. Indeed, with wax you could look forward to changing your mask collection with the colour of the seasons." Dave Riley,Australia
Added on: Jan 23, 2001 | Hits: 29465
( english translation on the main page of this site) La cr?ation d'un masque est aussi passionnante que simple. Les masques peuvent ?tre d?coratifs, tels des masques africains, ou ludiques (masque d'Halloween, de carnaval). Tout est dans le d?tail apport? ? l'objet
Added on: Feb 11, 2001 | Hits: 26074
Elementary Art Lessons
Added on: Feb 11, 2003 | Hits: 25839
(This is the process we use for our papier m?ch? masks; the process for Neoprene masks starts exactly the same, but takes a little detour once the negative mold is cast.)
Added on: Jun 13, 2002 | Hits: 28684
This is a three-part series of e-newsletters from Victory Corp. For more details visit http://www.victorycorps.com/ebook_form.html for a free e-book and other e-newsletters on how to build a float
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 23632
Mumming shows are a simple structure that can be used to readily develop a wide variety of entertainment. They are medieval in origin based on the archetypes of clown, hero, heroine, villain, doctor (& perhaps doctor's assistant). Each of these characters can readily be translated into a modern day character..
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 28759
"The only "store bought" material is paint (tempra, poster or finger paint all work well... acrylic paints work great, but don't wash out of clothes!!!) We mixed white and black to make our own grey. Alternatively, you can mod podge (mache) on 1 inch squares of grey tissue paper. Or make a "funky dolphin" by maching on 1 inch squares of patterned tissue paper or napkins"
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 28017
"...........To build the mask: 1) Take your pre-bought neutral half-mask and, if it's not plastic, cover it with cellophane (like Handi-wrap). If the mask is plastic, skip to step number two. 2) Cover the cellophane (or plastic mask) with a thin layer of Vaseline, so you'll be able to take the paper mache off when you're finished. 3) Begin to layer on your newspaper or....."
Added on: May 01, 2001 | Hits: 27193
Welcome to our coverage of the 10 day (90 hour) workshop in the design and construction of leather performance mask. This workshop is being run by Paolo Consiglio, a master leather mask maker and teacher from Florence, Italy. It is being held at The Crago Mill Regional Arts Centre, Piper Street, Bathurst, NSW, Australia. It has been financed by a Visiting Artists' Grant from Charles Sturt University and is open to the local community and students from CSU. It is being covered on the Net by staff and students of the Communication School at CSU's Bathurst Campus. You will be observing the processes of casting the the makers' faces to obtain a positive face mould on which the masks will be designed in clay. A positive plaster mould of the intended mask will be carved onto a wooden block. Over this block leather will be stretched, beaten and smoothed to create a performance mask. As part of this workshop there will be readings from Dante's "Divine Comedy" and various other Italian cultural delights. Please enjoy the processes involved in the fine art of leather mask making. Masks have been used throughout the history of theatre. They were a significant part of the the Western World's first professional theatre, the Commedia dell' Arte, which developed in Italy in the 16th Century.
Added on: Apr 17, 2001 | Hits: 29696
Welcome to our coverage of the 10 day (90 hour) workshop in the design and construction of leather performance mask. This workshop is being run by Paolo Consiglio, a master leather mask maker and teacher from Florence, Italy. It is being held at The Crago Mill Regional Arts Centre, Piper Street, Bathurst, NSW, Australia. It has been financed by a Visiting Artists' Grant from Charles Sturt University and is open to the local community and students from CSU
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 29898
A nice photo guide. Maskmaking step by step. Aqu? vemos al Maestro Caretero Vegano Carlos Francisco Marte - Cayoya - ofreciendo un taller sobre la creaci?n de caretas de carnaval en el Centro Cultural de Espa?a.
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 23524
You can procure them free by clicking on the samples. Or, you can create some enthralling variety with the following do-it-easy tips.
Added on: Jul 28, 2002 | Hits: 25156
You will need: A cardboard mask (bought from a craft shop), paper plate, egg boxes, thick card, paint, wool, tape, PVA glue, kitchen roll, feathers, pipe cleaners.
Added on: May 31, 2002 | Hits: 26127
A Preschool, Kindergarten, and Early Elementary School Activity This activity creates papier-m?ch? dinosaur hats. Each step takes about an hour or less. A few days drying time is required between the papier-m?ch? part, the application of decorations, and the painting part. It is also messy, involving tearing paper, gluing it, decorating, and painting.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 25436
Choose a character and click on it. Click on the print button in the pop-up or choose the print option from your browser. Colour in your mask. Ask an adult to help you cut out the head and eyes. Use a pencil to make some holes where the dots are. Use some elastic or string to thread through the holes and tie the mask around your head.
Added on: Jul 24, 2002 | Hits: 26116
Guide features instructions on making paste for papier mache projects. Find a list of materials and links to other papier-mache project sheets.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 23532
A lesson plan for 5th graders-- easily modified for any student, age 7 or older
Added on: May 05, 2002 | Hits: 21605