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Wooden Masks Masks carved in wood and painted
Added on: Nov 18, 2002 | Hits: 12311
The Yoruba people live in Nigeria and Benin (formerly the kingdom of Dahomey), and number nearly 24 million people. Beginning around 1000 AD, the Yoruba built a thriving network of cities and trading routes. Many of those cities survive today, and much of the original societal structure is preserved. Yoruba kings, known as "Oba", are still considered sacred, and still live in palaces in the center of town, surrounded by the residences of their lesser chiefs. Echoes of the Yoruba can even be felt in the Americas in the form of Santeria. This religious tradition evolved in Cuba when the ritual practices of imported Yoruba slaves mixed with Christian theology of the new world. Santeria is still practiced today in many parts of the new world, and still retains it's recognizable Yoruba origins.
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 12298
The Punu people of the east African nations of Cameroon, Gabon and the Congo produce some of the most strikingly beautiful masks in all of African art. The white faces of many Punu Masks are intended to ward off evil spirits and witches- and the tall hairdos typical of most Punu Masks signify that the woman is wealthy and thus never has to carry goods on her head
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 12296
Coastal Arts Online Gallery invites you to explore the ancient culture of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Experience an artistic heritage rich in ceremonial and aesthetic traditions. Our online gallery features today's foremost First Nations artists. We undertake expeditions to remote regions of the islands of the Pacific Northwest Coast to bring you authentic Native Art. In some instances, these works have been actual participants in the sacred Potlatch ceremonies.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 12293
Der "FM" wuchs innert kurzer Zeit zur gr?ssten Veranstaltung dieser Art in der Schweiz an. Heute haben wir die beachtliche Zahl von fast 130 Marktst?nden, an denen alles - was im Zusammenhang mit der Fasnacht steht, angeboten wird. Sei dies Beispielsweise Fasnachtsstoffe, Masken, Kost?me, Instrumente, CD?s, Felle (Kunstfelle), Leder, Accessoires, allerlei Zubeh?r, Fasnachtskunst u.v.m.
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 12289
The masks you will see here are a reflection of the beautiful and compelling art form that has been passed down from generation to generation. Each of these pieces are unique and original, not mass-produced "products". They are molded, poured, painted, and fired by native artists of a city that sees people wearing masks every day- New Orleans.
Added on: Jan 05, 2001 | Hits: 12283
John Young Museum of Art Outreach College University of Hawai`i at Manoa Krauss Hall, 2500 Dole Street Honolulu, HI 96822 The museum's current exhibition, the popular "Transformations: Korean Masks from the Ryun Namkoong Collection," has been extended by special arrangement until May 15, 2001, after which time the 109 masks comprising the show will return to Korea
Added on: Apr 15, 2001 | Hits: 12277
Welcome to Joey's Masks and Props on the net. We offer latex rubber masks for retail and wholesale purchase, and also offer Halloween props, small hanging decorations, and other Halloween accessories....
Added on: Oct 02, 2002 | Hits: 12266
Masks are a very special part of the Mexican culture and recall early hispanic times. For example; the mighty Aztecs had a very special elite in their society: The ?Eagle Knights? (Caballeros Aguila); the highest-class soldiers always respected for their unique braveness and fighting skills. They used to wear a mask and a whole eagle outfit. The mask reflexed their status; it was intimidating and sacred. Masks are mystical; they show another side of the personality of the person who wears it. In Lucha Libre, the mask gives the ?enmascarado? (masked man) a free soul to express himself on the ring. A mask is not just an accessory but also a symbol, an attitude, a cultural icon, an identity for a Luchador. It is like having a second skin that gives you special powers. It gives the Enmascarado?s blood a new essential ingredient and protects him too.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 12258
The "Green Man" is a central figure of Spring pageants and May Day celebrations the world around. This symbol of the irrepressable force of Life and Rebirth was originally carved by ancient craftsmen on cathedrals throughout Europe.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 12258
Hier die tollen Masken von Scream. Wir haben zwei Versionen im Sortiment. Die klassische und noch eine blutige, die Bleeding Mask von Scream. Viel Spass damit!
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 12242
Masken des Dayak Stammes , lebend in Borneo.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 12227
Wood masks from Guerrer.
Added on: Jan 26, 2001 | Hits: 12216
Mexican ceremonial dance masks for sale at Casa de la Cuesta numbers about 200. Address: 32 Cuesta de San Jose San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico 37700
Added on: Feb 03, 2001 | Hits: 12211
Very interesting art deco masks. Oakland California
Added on: Oct 08, 2002 | Hits: 12171
BASKET YAM masks (left) and WOODEN YAM masks (right) are found in the Abelam villages above the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea. Men weave or carve these masks, then paint them with clay pigments or natural dyes, for decorating the largest yams at harvest ceremonies. During ceremonial displays, colorful feathers, flowers, leaves and shell money are added for beauty and power. A man's status is judged by how long he can grow these ceremonial yams, which can reach 9-12 feet
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 12164
( very, nice special papiermache masks. Click your way to the masks) "Fronts finished with laquer & gesso. Felt backed, ribbon ties or hand hold sticks."
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 12147
Masks and costumes shop online
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 12145
The Huichol Indians express their beliefs and deep religious feeling through their art. To the Huichols, religion is not a part of life, it is life. Their art is a direct extension of their religion and it is made not from the standpoint of decoration, but to give profound expression to concepts of spiritual beliefs. Traditional Huichol art, whether it be meticulous beadwork, yarn paintings, masks, votive bowls and arrows or striking embroidered and woven personal adornments, are beautiful not only from the aesthetic standpoint but from the psychological as well. The art consists of many symbols, which tell the story of each piece.
Added on: Jan 31, 2001 | Hits: 12140
Mike Lorefice's Merchandise These are the masks they sell in Japan for fans to wear to the shows so they can try to look as cool as their favorite masked wrestler. Anyway, they are very cool if you can afford them, but unfortunately, like seemingly everything in Japan, they are really expensive.
Added on: Jan 31, 2001 | Hits: 12137
These "papier-mache" Venetian masks are artistically designed and made painstakingly by our main suppliers in Venice, Italy where the industry is largely their way of life. All the classic shapes are always maintained by the Venetians and they are always becoming even more original in keeping up with the colours and ideas of fashion. One is never bored as they have a remarkable ability to adjust to all the requirements of the modern world
Added on: Jan 13, 2003 | Hits: 12134
A unique collection of wooden hand carved and painted masks from the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Michoacan.
Added on: Jan 30, 2001 | Hits: 12130