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The Dan tribe chiefly inhabits the Ivory Coast and Liberia where they arrived in the eighth century B.C. A loose confederation of villages totaling some 350,000 individuals, the Dan have spent much of their history battling neighboring tribes and sometimes each other. This gave the them a ferocious reputation as each Dan warrior sought "tin": individual prestige or glory. In former times "tin" was readily available through bravery in war; but the encroachment of colonial governments, and increased centralization has made tribal conflicts less common. Today's young Dan warrior is left to find his "tin" through other pursuits.
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 13685
The Guro tribe (also called ?Guru? or ?Kweni?) inhabit Baoule in the Ivory Coast. 1906 marked a turning point in Guro civilization. Up to that point they had been protected from colonization by the dense forests which inhibited European encroachment. But in 1906 the French began to overcome these obstacles. The Guro reacted by becoming more nomadic. Living off the land and staying on the move, the Guro were able to evade complete domination briefly; but ultimately in 1912 they were colonized by the French. Since that time the Guro have turned to subsistence farming. Guro villages are not lead by a chief per se. A distinguished village elder may be designated to mediate disputes and serve as liaison to neighboring tribes; but that elder will lack the authoritarian powers of a true chief.
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 13797
Beautiful African Masks of the Kwele tribe
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 13355
"In a world of endless change and complexity, the mask has offered a continuum for Native people to acknowledge our connection to the universe. Through masks we identify our humanity. Through masks we affirm celestial places that honour the moon and stars. Through masks we conquer our fear of the oceans deep. Through masks we interact with the spirit world, our final destination. " Robert Joseph, Kwakwaka'wakw Chief and Guest Curator
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 16109
Haida,Tlingit,Northern Kwakiutl,West Coast,Southern Kwakiutl,Coast Salish,Tsimshian. We would like to invite you to take a moment to become familiar with the history and culture that has influenced the artwork of the Northwest Coast Native Communities. The Native Communities in this territory have developed a way of life that is based on the rugged seas, rivers, streams, mountains and the immense forests. This narrow coastline was abundant with Salmon and Cedar that was the foundation of the economy and source of revenue in this region. At this time Canadian Indian Art offers an exclusive collection of West Coast Native Artwork
Added on: May 12, 2002 | Hits: 13374
The Punu people of the east African nations of Cameroon, Gabon and the Congo produce some of the most strikingly beautiful masks in all of African art. The white faces of many Punu Masks are intended to ward off evil spirits and witches- and the tall hairdos typical of most Punu Masks signify that the woman is wealthy and thus never has to carry goods on her head
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 13529
An on-line shop for mask collectors and folk art lovers featuring tribal masks from all over the world. Also included are masks for Halloween, Party, Drama, Art, and Protection.
Added on: Jan 10, 2004 | Hits: 15617
The Yoruba people live in Nigeria and Benin (formerly the kingdom of Dahomey), and number nearly 24 million people. Beginning around 1000 AD, the Yoruba built a thriving network of cities and trading routes. Many of those cities survive today, and much of the original societal structure is preserved. Yoruba kings, known as "Oba", are still considered sacred, and still live in palaces in the center of town, surrounded by the residences of their lesser chiefs. Echoes of the Yoruba can even be felt in the Americas in the form of Santeria. This religious tradition evolved in Cuba when the ritual practices of imported Yoruba slaves mixed with Christian theology of the new world. Santeria is still practiced today in many parts of the new world, and still retains it's recognizable Yoruba origins.
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 13510
many masks - good text
Added on: Jan 29, 2001 | Hits: 13367
Site in German. Masks for sale
Added on: Jun 24, 2002 | Hits: 13678
The Maskworld features today over 120 different, mostly handmade high quality foam latex masks. The thin but still resistant latex material features an extraordinary flexibility and enables the mask to adapt to your face like a second skin. The result is an incredible disguise experience ? unbelievable not only for spectators but also for the wearer himself. In contrast to ordinary PVC and rubber latex masks the foam latex makes our products much more comfortable and enjoyable to wear, while it is still much more resistant than expensive one-time special effects masks The Maskworld features today over 120 different, mostly handmade high quality foam latex masks. The thin but still resistant latex material features an extraordinary flexibility and enables the mask to adapt to your face like a second skin. The result is an incredible disguise experience ? unbelievable not only for spectators but also for the wearer himself. In contrast to ordinary PVC and rubber latex masks the foam latex makes our products much more comfortable and enjoyable to wear, while it is still much more resistant than expensive one-time special effects masks. Take a look at our selection and find a mask for every ocassion: whether you are in need of a present, a movie fan, looking for a Carnival or Halloween disguise or simply want to play a trick on someone ? you have come to the right place to find the mask for your needs.
Added on: Jun 17, 2002 | Hits: 13328
English + German version Mask World features masks and accessories that are not offered by Gypsy Renaissance, in such categories as Horror, Sci-Fi, Celebrities, Real Faces or just Fun. You will also find a large selection of Costumes, Wigs and Teeth. This site can be a lot of fun
Added on: Sep 30, 2002 | Hits: 14045
+ Venetian Italian Masks Feather Masks
Added on: Jul 28, 2002 | Hits: 14614
A selection of masks from various cultures in Mexico and Latin America. Traditional use of masks in these cultures is for ceremonial purposes as well as decoration. We do not have any masks at this time that have actually been used in ceremonies or dances but our masks are all authentic and carved by the the indigenous people who use them.
Added on: Jun 06, 2002 | Hits: 13356
Mexican ceremonial dance masks for sale at Casa de la Cuesta numbers about 200. Address: 32 Cuesta de San Jose San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico 37700
Added on: Feb 03, 2001 | Hits: 13464
Wood masks from Guerrer.
Added on: Jan 26, 2001 | Hits: 13537
A unique collection of wooden hand carved and painted masks from the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Michoacan.
Added on: Jan 30, 2001 | Hits: 13499
Important dance masks and folk art, including Huichol yarn paintings and lacquerware from Mexico.
Added on: Aug 28, 2003 | Hits: 18625
All of these Mexican masks are hand carved by artists. We buy from these artists providing a route to market for their masks.
Added on: Jul 27, 2002 | Hits: 13751
Masks are a very special part of the Mexican culture and recall early hispanic times. For example; the mighty Aztecs had a very special elite in their society: The ?Eagle Knights? (Caballeros Aguila); the highest-class soldiers always respected for their unique braveness and fighting skills. They used to wear a mask and a whole eagle outfit. The mask reflexed their status; it was intimidating and sacred. Masks are mystical; they show another side of the personality of the person who wears it. In Lucha Libre, the mask gives the ?enmascarado? (masked man) a free soul to express himself on the ring. A mask is not just an accessory but also a symbol, an attitude, a cultural icon, an identity for a Luchador. It is like having a second skin that gives you special powers. It gives the Enmascarado?s blood a new essential ingredient and protects him too.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 13550
Masks play an important role in Mexico?s rich heritage of dances and fiestas. Masks are worn on such ceremonial occasions as Carnival, Holy Week and Days of the Dead. The majority of our masks are handcarved from copal or zompantle wood in the state of Guerrerro. Another wonderful item are the worn "trajes" or canvas dance suits painted on both sides with several small masks stitched to their front.
Added on: Jul 10, 2002 | Hits: 13187
Masked Wrestlers | AKAs Gallery
Added on: May 17, 2003 | Hits: 13721