Category: Start / Teaching - workshops - education
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A blog for people who want to wear masks to explore, trigger and make changes.
Added on: Apr 30, 2014 | Hits: 48764
Organizes international Commedia dell'Arte workshops in Nyons (South of France).
Added on: Aug 24, 2013 | Hits: 22665
Dell'Arte International is based in Blue Lake, California. Offering a one-year certificate course, plus a 3-year MFA program in Ensemble Based Physical Theatre. Mask work is taught as part of the curriculum. The school works with natural masks, larval, character, and half-masks. In Summer 2013 a one-month intensive, "All the World's A Mask" was offered. Director: Ronlin Foreman
Added on: Jul 25, 2013 | Hits: 15900
This site is for a gallery of masks of different types and genres, from Commedia dell Arts to Neutral, Four Temperaments to Naiive. It also includes workshops on making and using masks, and the application of masks in psychodrama and psychotherapy.
Added on: Jun 25, 2013 | Hits: 10612
I started making masks for a living back in the 90's and sold to galleries from Amercian Craft Council shows, to customers at craft shows, and at the Minnesota Renn. Festival. I have written many articles, booklets, and videos about leather sculpting, and will continue to add and offer them for sale as downloads from this site. Thanks to our modern tanners who make wonderful molding leather, and new technologies in molding and casting for pattern forms it is a lot easier to make molded leather objects than it was in the past. I have made some videos and booklets describing the techniques I've learned in the past 30 years and would like to pass them on to you. Cheryl Smeja
Added on: Jan 30, 2009 | Hits: 12786
Classes for Adults SPRING CLASSES 2007 Six Week Session April 23 to May 29 SUMMER CLASSES 2007 Eight Week Session June 18 to Aug 17 (Off the week of July 4th) Classes for Adults MONDAY NIGHTS Adult Painting Night~7:00 to 9:30pm Tuiton $20/class plus materials Bring your own supplies and projects or we can help you put either together. Painting with advise and particular focus on color theory and visual perception. Beginners Started, Old Pros Encouraged! Master Mask Making~7:00 to 10:00pm Tuition $25/class plus materials More experienced mask makers get involved with more expensive materials, develop their own tool kit and pursue projects of their own with guidance from our resident master Jeff Semmerling. TUESDAY NIGHTS Beginner Mask Making~7:00 to 9:00pm Tuition $20/class Students learn fundamental mask construction, making masks in cardboard, Venetian Style papier mache', found objects and plaster gauze. ~ Weekend Intensives ~ SHAPING LEATHER MASKS June 16 - 17, 1:00PM to 4:30 p.m Learn the Semmerling and Schaefer methods for shaping leather masks. For twenty years Jeff and Sonja have perfected the craft. You will make and finish two to three leather masks and leave with a list of sources for materials and tools. Tuition is $200. CASTING RUBBER MASKS. July 21 -22 1:00PM to 4:30P - Tuition is $175. Learn the ins and outs of casting sculptures for rubber slip molding. Students will sculpt a small mask and cast a slip mold of it while observing the creation of full size molds and techniques of casting rubber masks and puppets. Inside Out Art Studio 2005 W. Montrose, Chicago 60618 ~ 773-697-5012 Jeff@maskartists.com ~ www.insideoutarts.us
Added on: Jun 08, 2007 | Hits: 15735
Private and group instruction By James Porter Jr. Instructor is a graduate of the Dell'arte International School of Physical Theatre. Contact for more info.
Added on: Sep 19, 2006 | Hits: 14131
Antonio Broccoli Porto is multiartist living in Puerto Rico. Check for yourself. The link is to a mask workshop at Bradford Grammar School in Montclair, NJ USA which took place in Nov., 2005 Antonio Broccoli Porto also created masks and costumes for a Caribbean production of "Midsummer Night's Dream"
Added on: Feb 01, 2006 | Hits: 16680
Hovey Burgess & Stanley Allan Sherman have unique strengths in different areas of Commedia Dell'Arte offering an integrated curriculum, including commedia logic, mask work, lazzi, mime, juggling, improvisation, scenario, props, rhythm, concetti, voice, speech, music, scatology & more.
Added on: Jan 26, 2006 | Hits: 13361
Wood and paper mache masks.Masktheatre.Mask and Body. Leader of the celebrated Danish masktheatre "Dunkelfolket"
( http://www.dunkelfolket.dk )
* Creation of masks, exhibitions, theatre, training and lectures
* Seeks to make the masks, relief?s and sculptures come alive through use of the trees year rings
* Uses body language to express the mask in theatre
* Seeks inspiration in different cultures ? both foreign and domestic
* Has previously worked together with native American, African and
Balinese mask artists and sculptors
* Manages and instructs the street theatre: Dunkelfolket, who uses
masks as their primary means of expression
Added on: May 03, 2005 | Hits: 11475
Course on the theory and practice of papier-mach? mask making in Florence, Italy by prof. Agostino Dess? and his doughter Alice - 5 lessons for a total of 20 hours in 5 days and follow up via web chat ? 350 material included. You can also rent a room.
Added on: Mar 15, 2004 | Hits: 11412
Art Department, Barton College - This studio project is geared to the High School Visual Arts I level. The NCAEA SDW presentation includes slides of professional maskmakers at work, images of related student projects, field samples of large horned paper masks, and a lesson plan. A selection of the research slides shown during the NCAEA presentation can be found on the Barton College website. Teachers may download these images for classroom use
Added on: Sep 27, 2003 | Hits: 15831
1-F (5 - 8) Students intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experiences and ideas 3-D (5 - 8) Students use subjects, themes, and symbols that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values, and aesthetics that communicate intended meaning in artworks
Added on: Aug 23, 2003 | Hits: 11963
We offer courses in Mask Making!!!! Discover the creative energy and inspiring setting that is as much a part of the Haliburton School of The Arts as the courses within the schedule. Whether you seek motivation or retreat, simplicity or challenge, you will be encouraged to find your creative voice within a community that fosters a sense of belonging. With an eclectic and extensive variety of courses offered at a range of skill levels, there?s something for everyone! In addition to the courses there are many extra-curricular opportunities to share time with fellow students and faculty members. Wine and cheese gallery receptions, free presentations, instructor slide shows, self-guided walk-about exhibitions and social evenings with dinner and entertainment will complete your Haliburton experience. The schedule of courses clearly illustrates our enduring commitment to art and craft education and the enrichment of the arts community. Weeklong adult courses are accepted as credits toward the Visual & Creative Arts Diploma from Fleming College, which is offered on a part-time basis. Just 2 ? hours north of Toronto and 3 ? hours west of Ottawa!
Added on: Jun 08, 2003 | Hits: 14775
Excellent guide online. Step by Step guide to creating your own Life Mask! " Whether your interest is "purely artistic", more playful, or deeply soulful, making your Life Mask can show you something truly surprising and wonderful... what I call: "the spirit of the mask".Masks made of plaster gauze bandages. Lots of other offers as well - Like:" Commissioning Me to Create Your Life Dream Portrait "
Added on: Apr 02, 2003 | Hits: 12102
Maskmaking is an art that is centuries old and has a rich history. The process of making a mask as well as the finished product, is relevant to many parts of the human experience; our emotions, responsibilities, and private thoughts. Masks assume both a metaphorical and a literal meaning in modern day psychology, sociology and culture. In ancient times, masks were incorporated into celebrations and events which allowed members of class-divided societies to interact with each other because of the "anonymity" created by wearing them. As the subject of much ongoing fascination over time, masks are deeply rooted in the human psyche and represent the hidden, dual and multi-faceted aspects of human nature.
Added on: Apr 01, 2003 | Hits: 11521
The Mulberry House is a non-profit private enterprise, which began in 1974. It originated from a woman whose own child is mentally disabled. Her concept is to help the children grow and learn to stand by themselves through their talents. Through the mask artwork they are given a sense of enjoyment of life and a meaning as to why they are alive, what they too can do
Added on: Mar 29, 2003 | Hits: 12220
Mark Alexander, Sharon Center School, Sharon Connecticut Unit: Mexican Folk Art - Pre-Columbian Culture Lesson Plan: Paper Mache Masks/Heads Grade Level: 6 thru 8
Added on: Mar 28, 2003 | Hits: 11280
Dieses Jahr hat HALLia VENEZIA eine sch?pferische Pause eingelegt. Aber 2003 wollen wir wieder durch die Haller Gassen streifen. Menschen, die sich ber?hren lassen vom geheimnisvollen Spiel der Masken, die Spa? haben am Bau phantasievoller Maskeraden, die dem Zauber des Karnevals ein neues Gesicht geben wollen, sind eingeladen, ihre pers?nliche Maske zu finden, zu bauen und zu gestalten.
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 16757
( go see some very interesting photos ) "Masken leben in einer Welt voll Magie und Phantasie. Wer seinem K?rper eine Maske leiht, erschafft aus sich ein neues Wesen fremd und altvertraut, liebenswert und skurril, naiv, gewaltig, zart, ... Masken die wir selbst bauen, demaskieren. Innere Gesichter, Gesichter hinter dem Alltagsgesicht entstehen unter unseren H?nden. Der K?rperwahrnehmungssinn, die F?higkeit, mir meines K?rpers im Raum bewu?t zu werden lebt auf, der K?rper wird zum Ausdrucksmittel. Das Tragen einer Maske macht so einen Sprung zwischen Welten m?glich, verzaubert mich selbst und das Publikum."
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 10859
Atelier f?r kreatives Malen und Kunsttherapie ( art therapy ) Wir werden einen Maskenrohling aus Ton herstellen. Dieser wird dann mit mehreren Papierschichten beklebt. Nach einigen Stunden kann die Papiermaske von dem Ton abgenommen und bemalt werden. Dann wird die Maske noch mit Stoff vollendet und passgerecht anprobiert. Diese Arbeit k?nnen Eltern und ihre Kinder gemeinsam durchf?hren. Auf Wunsch k?nnen wir noch einen vierten Samstag Nachmittag anh?ngen und uns in Maskenspiel ?ben. Dies ist eine wunderbare Sache die ganz viel Spass macht! Lassen Sie sich ?berraschen!
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 10468
In the Summer term 2001, we held a whole school art exhibition. Children's art work was displayed in classrooms and around the school, and parents and visitors were invited to look round. In the hall, we arranged to have a framed piece of art by every child on display - parents were able to purchase, for a small fee, their own child's art work.
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 11014
Mask-Magic: Masks allow children to practice visual-art skills and then to combine them with movement and dramatic exploration. Each child creates their own mask and explores how to make the mask come to life with movement characterization and sound. - As an arts curriculum specialist Dr. Hunt and Dancing Earth bring a wealth of experience to each Youth Theatre and Dance workshop.
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 10752
The MASK PERFORMANCE, uses a selection of masks to show the contrasting styles of Tragedy and Comedy as performed in the ancient theatres of Greece and Rome. Scenes of two classic tales introduce the audience to the Gods, Heroes and Monsters of myth and legend. - After learning some of the secrets of mask theatre, members of the audience can try on masks and costumes themselves, and take on the guise of a great comedian or tragic hero!
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 11175
Open Art is a one-of-a-kind arts organization that offers school residencies in puppetry and poetry, "suitcase art" for single visits, amazing giant puppets and arts events via the Open ArtMobile that travels to your location--homes, schools, art centers, museums, parades, libraries, retreats, summer camps, festivals, company picnics, home schooling groups. We provide an artist-designed and built portable interactive puppet exhibit that inspires children to create at their own pace.
Added on: Nov 16, 2002 | Hits: 10985