Category: Start / Teaching - workshops - education
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At any given time, the Institute is working with 30-40 communities across the country which are in various stages of developing new outdoor historical dramas, Shakespeare Festivals and religious plays. For more than 30 years, the Institute has provided guidance to individuals and groups proposing the production of these new plays, conducting feasibility and planning studies and offering start-up and long-term assistance. Historical Theatre Shakespeare Festivals Religious Plays
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 3783
The Institute of the Mask is a: Private Institute incorporated to the Federal Teacher?s Training Network Private Institute of Teacher?s Professional Improvement
Added on: May 02, 2002 | Hits: 3808
August 5th ? August 31st 2002 led by Adriano Iurissevich The workshop is comprehensive of different special teachings. Each part will be run by a different teacher who is specialist of his own field. We will work on: Physical skills, the training of a Commedia actor. Exercises in presence, posture and balance, voice and singing, dance and movement, tumbling, stage business and comic Lazzi. Characters and masks, the origin of masks, their significance, development of a character through movement, gesture and voice. Improvisation, the basic principles, proposal and reaction, ensemble play, structuring of a scenario, the building up of a character and a situation with regard to creating a finished play with a full cast. History, talks with outstanding theatre scholars on the history and other subjects concerning Commedia dell?Arte.
Added on: Jun 22, 2002 | Hits: 3947
(Sorry, only danish ) Dansk undervisningsmateriale: KINESISK MASKEKUNST Den s?kaldte Beijing-opera blander s? forskellige kunstarter som sang, tale, mime, dans og akrobatik i forestillingerne. Ligesom i filmen spilles alle roller af m?nd. Maskerne, som skuespillerne b?rer, har hver deres symbolske betydning. Farverne og symbolerne fort?ller noget om den karakter (personlighed), som skuespilleren spiller:
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 4065
Wood and paper mache masks.Masktheatre.Mask and Body. Leader of the celebrated Danish masktheatre "Dunkelfolket"
( http://www.dunkelfolket.dk )
* Creation of masks, exhibitions, theatre, training and lectures
* Seeks to make the masks, relief?s and sculptures come alive through use of the trees year rings
* Uses body language to express the mask in theatre
* Seeks inspiration in different cultures ? both foreign and domestic
* Has previously worked together with native American, African and
Balinese mask artists and sculptors
* Manages and instructs the street theatre: Dunkelfolket, who uses
masks as their primary means of expression
Added on: May 03, 2005 | Hits: 4781
DANISH SITE Kommunikation, kropssprog og masker med udgangspunkt i ren?ssancens popul?re masketeater Commedia Dell ?rte. Workshoppen giver indblik i maskens historie og dens magiske kraft og betydning. Deltagerne vil blive ledt igennem en r?kke udfordrende og dynamiske ?velser med fokus p? kropssprog, karakteropbygning, maskeimprovisation og samarbejde.
Added on: Jul 24, 2002 | Hits: 4201
Colla da tappezzeria, carta di giornale, riso, collant, cartone, acqua, catino, bicchieri, tempera bianca, tempere colorate, plastilina, cartoncino colorato, pennelli n. 8 - 9- 10, forbici , scotch, pinzatrice......
Added on: Feb 01, 2001 | Hits: 4360
( SCHOOL USES LARVAL ( Basel ) masks.See the program) Established by Lassa?d Sa?di, in 1983, after a collaboration lasting 10 years with Jacques Lecoq (Paris) to give a theatrical training based on Movement. Our school is not like the traditional theatre schools. The teaching is angled toward the creative side of each individual. Therefore, the school is not only for interpreters but above all for creators. The pedagogy assure a daily monitoring of each student.
Added on: Mar 30, 2001 | Hits: 3908
Halloween is long over, but that hasn't stopped members of MHC Latina community from experimenting with masks and costumes. In fact, with the help of Cuban artist Leandro Soto, visiting assistant professor in theatre arts and volunteer cultural adviser in visual arts and theatre to La Unidad, and his former pupil, Mexican artist Ren? Germ?n Maldonado, members of La Unidad have been exploring Mexican traditions surrounding mask-making, dancing, music, and costumes.
Added on: Mar 15, 2001 | Hits: 3844
Students will explore and identify masks from a variety of cultures an times, relate the human commonalities to mask-making, and create a three-dimensional mask based upon one human commonality.
Added on: Aug 10, 2002 | Hits: 4666
In this unit, students explore the cultural significance of masks. After recalling some of the contexts in which masks are worn in the United States-e.g., Halloween, Mardi Gras, the circus, parades, plays, or costume parties-students discuss the use of masks in stories. Students then investigate the role masks play in ceremonies and on special occasions in various African cultures. Students will see pictures of African masks online, pointing out the similarities and differences between masks of different regions.
Added on: Jun 24, 2002 | Hits: 3928
Maskart for children by swedish art teacher Bitte Melin. 2 different projects to be found here
Added on: Feb 12, 2001 | Hits: 3903
The Arts: Visual arts, Music, Dance, Drama. Also Studies of society and environment, English.
Added on: Aug 10, 2002 | Hits: 3841
Children learning about masks and kostumes
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 3945
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 4076
Maskmaking is an art that is centuries old and has a rich history. The process of making a mask as well as the finished product, is relevant to many parts of the human experience; our emotions, responsibilities, and private thoughts. Masks assume both a metaphorical and a literal meaning in modern day psychology, sociology and culture. In ancient times, masks were incorporated into celebrations and events which allowed members of class-divided societies to interact with each other because of the "anonymity" created by wearing them. As the subject of much ongoing fascination over time, masks are deeply rooted in the human psyche and represent the hidden, dual and multi-faceted aspects of human nature.
Added on: Apr 01, 2003 | Hits: 4887
LARVAL MASKS Using non-human mask shapes (which in some cases covers the entire body),the participants will investigate and experience themselves in completely new ways. No longer relying on the human shape as orientation, the mask liberates a freedom of movement and expression that gives profoundly comic and hilariously moving insight. A refreshing shift out of the ordinary human morphology. MARK OLSEN is a movement specialist, actor, director, author, and teacher. He has taught, choreographed and directed productions at major institutes and universities across the nation. His specialties in the movement arts include Maskwork, Mime, Alexander based Physical Alignment, Stage Combat (Mark is a certified teacher and fight director with the Society of American Fight Directors), Taoist disciplines such as Yang Family style Tai Chi, Push Hands, Chi Kung and Wu Chi, and various styles of historical and contemporary Physical Comedy.
Added on: May 23, 2002 | Hits: 4007
In beautiful surroundings you can participate in workshops . Contact the Theatre for more info. Site in Danish
Added on: Jan 20, 2002 | Hits: 3872
We are proud to announce the opening of The MASK CENTER @ Studio 8. Established by the artists and board of directors of Gateway Performance Productions, The MASK CENTER is a community resource offering classes, workshops and special events highlighting the creative and cultural contributions made by masks to the performing arts and to world culture.
Added on: Jan 08, 2001 | Hits: 4195
Using techniques gleaned from over twenty years of teaching, studying, and performing with masks, Mark Olsen will conduct a six-day mask intensive that will cover character mask work, larval and universal mask work, and the uniquely fun world of invention masks.
Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Hits: 3840
Submitted by Kathrine L Walker This series of mask lessons was developed for the Lyman Allyn Art Museum in New London, CT which has a large mask collection. The unit was part of a Carnegie grant program at West Side Middle School in Groton, CT and my assistant Dawn Estabrooks helped me write this. The program was taught during "flex" period as an option to ping pong, sports videos and making hair scrungies. The wonderful L.D. teacher, Barbara Moran, at the school was behind it all.
Added on: Jun 14, 2002 | Hits: 4333
Below are written instructions on how to create your own Halloween type masks. Please don't confuse this technique with foam latex as these are two completely different techniques. Liquid Latex Mask making is also called "Slush Casting" because you pour liquid latex into a mold and swish it around, the latex clings to the mold walls and forms a skin, it is this skin that becomes the mask. Foam Latex is much more complicated and is the kind of technique that's used in film work. Quality masks and molds are only constructed after knowledgeable experience, get some good books or a video on the subject if you intend to seriously pursue this discipline
Added on: Mar 15, 2001 | Hits: 4059
Private and group instruction By James Porter Jr. Instructor is a graduate of the Dell'arte International School of Physical Theatre. Contact for more info.
Added on: Sep 19, 2006 | Hits: 7049
Wouldn't it be nice to go there?
Added on: Jan 01, 2001 | Hits: 4340
from Earth Day in Your School and Community ? 1993 published by Heartland All Species Project, Kansas City, Missouri USA Plaster cast tape face masks- recommended for 3rd grade & older requires approximately three class sessions. Wire frame headdresses Cardboard frame headdresses Paper masks and headpieces
Added on: Jun 23, 2002 | Hits: 3699