Category: Start / Street theatre
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Bui Bolg is a Wexford based production company who specialize in puppets, inflatables, festivals, costumes & event decoration.
Added on: Nov 08, 2002 | Hits: 11526
We work directly with the client to create the event to meet the needs. We can make special events for any budget. Circus acts and dance ? Music: live jazz band, a cappella singing group or recorded music ? Colorfully costumed walk-around characters ? Stunning fiber optic curtain and other scenic elements ? Script-writing ? Concept development ? Direction, including coordination with lighting and sound ? Emcee or Ringmaster Although our main work focuses on making spectacular entertainment, we have a strong educational component we can bring to your community. ( director: Tandy Beal )
Added on: Oct 22, 2002 | Hits: 7067
Wise Fool New Mexico is a nonprofit theatre arts project created and staffed by four women artists of diverse backgrounds (Hispanic, Native, Anglo and Jewish) who are dedicated to art as a means of changing our world. We believe in the power of laughter to heal; of celebration to strengthen community; and of art to build bridges. In the folk traditions of storytelling, puppetry, circus arts and public spectacle, we create accessible, highly visual and participatory performances and lead hands on workshops. We encourage dialogue and cooperation through shared creative process, using imagery, music and theatre arts to empower people to become larger than life, speak out, listen and find common ground. For over 11 years Wise Fool has been creating original works for theatres, schools, libraries and parks to rave reviews and sell out audiences.
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 5328
Spectacular stiltshows. Nice Photos. + Masks
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 9960
Urban Theatre Projects was founded in 1981, originally under the name Death Defying Theatre. UTP has established an international reputation for its "intimate spectacle" performance events, made in western Sydney with and about the people who live here. Many of our works are made and presented in active, populated urban locations, created and performed by the people who live, work or otherwise use the site. UTP has reinvented community-based theatre, colliding contemporary performance practice with popular culture to create new spaces for new voices. Our work is about dialogue: between people and place, artists and audience, within and between communities. We work inter-culturally, because otherwise it's a one-side conversation. Since 1991, we've been based in western Sydney. We've made thirty original new works in that time - in venues such as warehouses, railway stations, variety clubs, residential streets, theatres and shopping districts..........
Added on: Oct 02, 2002 | Hits: 6997
( masks, stilts, costumes....) Professional performers who have been taking their bizarre acts onto the streets since the mid-1980's. Our acts can be ? Roaming characters and groups that enliven outdoor events ? 'Foyer Fillers' that start your patrons excitement 'at the door' ? Ushers and other functionaries that add flair to conference proceedings ? Promoters of ideas and products that are memorable and effective. ? Something different for whatever you're organising
Added on: Aug 30, 2002 | Hits: 8929
Walt Raaf. Very exciting theatre. Check it out!
Added on: Jul 23, 2002 | Hits: 6182
Frans Custers spielt in seinen Walk-Acts ?nat?rliches Theater?: Der Kleine Clown - Lederhosen, wei?es Hemd, Fliege und Hut, Koffer in der Hand - gl?nzt durch seine Ruhe. Schweigsam beobachtet er sein Publikum. Mit einem enormen Ma? an Intensit?t bewegt er sich vorsichtig, sch?chtern. Und erlebt sehr viel... Miep ist eine B?uerin. Bekleidet mit einem gr?nen Lodenmantel und einer Tasche, ?berladen mit Gem?se, schleppt sie sich durch die Menge. Mit ihrer volumin?sen schrillen Stimme verk?ndet Miep den Leuten ihre Meinung. Und die hat sie! Frans Custers ist mit seinen verschiedenen Figuren auf Stadtfesten und Festivals genauso zu Hause wie auf Galas und Messen.
Added on: Jul 23, 2002 | Hits: 7438
Mit der Stra?entheaterproduktion ?No me conoces?, einem magischen Spektakel ?ber den Tod in Wirklichkeit und Legende S?damerikas macht Palo Q?Sea die Stadt, ihre Pl?tze und Stra?en zur B?hne. Das Publikum begleitet den schillernden Begr?bniszug und die exzentrischen Verwandten. Mit ausdrucksvollen Objekten, Masken, riesigen Puppen und Figuren auf Stelzen, untermalt von den temperamentvollen Rhythmen der Live-Musik und pyrotechnischen Effekten entsteht eine farbenpr?chtige und mitrei?ende Platzinszenierung. Als besonderes Highlight f?r Ihre Gala bietet Palo Q?Sea eine ?Parade? mit wundersch?nen Phantasiegestalten, schrillen V?geln auf meterhohen Stelzen, zwei v?llig verr?ckten Teufeln, karibischen Rhythmen und Feuerwerk
Added on: Jul 23, 2002 | Hits: 6855
?Cock-tales - H?hnergeschichten" ( Hen - stories ) F?r gro?e Aufregung sorgen sechs ?berdimensionale H?hner. In pr?chtigen Federgew?ndern und mit lautem Gegackere stolzieren H?hne und Hennen durch die Menschenmenge. Stra?en und Pl?tze werden so unversehens zum H?hnerhof und Austragungsort von Hackordnung und uners?ttlichem Fre?trieb. Dabei kann man sich des Eindrucks nicht erwehren, da? hier auch menschliche Verhaltensweisen nachgeahmt werden. Zwischen und mit dem Publikum, mit und ohne Musik spielen die sechs eigenwilligen Federviecher tierisch menschliche Szenen.
Added on: Jul 23, 2002 | Hits: 7532
From improvisation to cultural performance, this site is focused on forms of drama that exists outside of theatrical spaces. It is designed to be a useful introduction to: the theatre of image; large scale dramatic construction techniques; processional theatre; outdoor performance; and mask, ritual and spectacle. It contains useful practical techniques as well as a theoretical exploration of the field. If you are interested in finding out more about celebratory performance, carnival, outdoor theatre or site-specific performance it is well worth a look. Banners, Lanterns, Parades...A guide on how to do it all.Very good.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 12075
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 7347
A Brisbane, Austral;ia based group that performs political masked street theatre . Satire. Burlesque. Percussion. Archive of scripts and tips on doing it yourself.
Added on: Mar 20, 2001 | Hits: 6850
Bigheads manchester like our name suggests wear Bigheads as a start for our of the wall comedy walkabout shows. The site has hundreds of pictures and if you have appeared at Streets Ahead in manchester you will find a picture or two of your show.
Added on: Feb 15, 2001 | Hits: 9910
International streettheatre -festival
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 9334
Walk Abouts - Fabulous sculptures....Can't explain...You must see for yourself !!(Susan)
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 7227
Ever wished that the painting on the wall at your favourite cafe would suddenly become alive ? Take a look at this site - Ladies and gentlemen.!!!
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 7385
We believe that street theatre is the most powerful and accessible form of theatre there is, and we are never satisfied with merely titillating the public's fancy. We take the responsibility of hijacking the audience?s imagination very seriously - we will never juggle, ride unicycles or eat fire. We will always provide original, accessible, comic events. We maintain the highest possible standards of professionalism when dealing with promoters and public alike. Our productions are suitable for all.
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 9890
WARNER & CONSORTEN maakt tegendraads beeldend theater. De groep produceert op plekken die niet voor kunst zijn bedoeld: braakliggende stukken grond, winkelcentra, lege fabriekshallen, stadspleinen etc. Het werk is een mengvorm van beeldhouwen, muziek, dans, fysiek theater en technisch vernuft. De voorstellingen van Warner & Consorten zijn toegankelijk voor een publiek van alle leeftijden en allerlei culturen en achtergronden. Voorstellingen zijn zonder tekst en hebben een universele beeldtaal. De groep produceert in Nederland en soms ook ver daarbuiten. Indien mogelijk in directe samenwerking met zomerfestivals, culturele centra, gemeenten en provincies en andere plaatselijke organisaties.
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 5338
Dogtroep, founded in 1975, is an Amsterdam company that has achieved fame well over the Dutch borders with large-scale imagery theatre performances, at various indoors and outdoors locations. The group uses images, acting and music and hardly any text.
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 8128
"Le Theatre du Chapeau" it's a performing group, based in France.Specializing in new clowns and street performances. We are in touch with today's trend of the new clown street arts.You will find the explanatory leaflet of our shows, trainings and different activities: training lessons and training periods as well as our tours and festivals dates.Don't forget to refer to our links in connection with the street's arts , the theatre , the festivals and to other practical informations.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 9088
La Compagnie l'Acte Th??tral travaille depuis pr?s de vingt ans dans la r?gion de Compi?gne. Elle prend un malin plaisir ? surprendre tous les publics l? o? ils se trouvent... Elle met toute son ?nergie ? impulser le d?veloppement du Th??tre et des Arts de la Rue dans sa r?gion
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 9091
La compagnie ACT SHOW est heureuse de vous accueillir sur son site. Vous trouverez de nombreuses informations sur les diff?rents spectacles que nous cr?ons. Nous vous souhaitons une agr?able visite, et n'h?sitez pas ? nous faire part de vos remarques.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 7757
( version in french) List of streetperforminggroups, with photo, adress, and short description.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 7092