Category: Start / Maskmakers
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The Mask Studio is a place where masks are designed and made for theatrical productions and carnivals. We make them for actors and kids, or whoever places an order.
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 17485
maskmaker and sculptor specializing in leather and wood. Trained by Donato Sartori, Italy and Ida Bagus Anom, Bali. Site with links
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 18269
Nina Barlow has been making paper and pulp masks since 1989. Using her skills as sculptor, tailor, and patternmaker, she creates powerfully expressive characters for theatrical and decorative use.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 14533
wood sculpture, tikis, masks, and art designs.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 17962
Don Pongracz is Haida-Gwaii of the Old Massett Band on the Queen Charlotte, Islands. His cultural heritage has always been important to him. engineer). Don has learned from his own culture, as a child, from Elders on the Port Simpson Reserve, and has carved with such known native artisans as Glen Wood and Joe Peters Jr. Don's carvings are reflective of a lifetime of study.
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 14111
"My heritage and respect for the beliefs and culture of Native Americans has inspired me to represent their world in my creations. Each work of art has a legend, and is designed and completely handmade by myself just as my ancestors have made them for centuries. Each feather and every brushstroke is placed with passion and an extreme admiration for my forefathers, the 'First Americans'. I am affiliated with the Cherokee Archives of America, National American Indian Enrollment Agency, and the National Association of Fine Artists. "
Added on: Dec 29, 2000 | Hits: 14213
Masks have been a vital part of theatre, sacred ceremony and festival atmosphere for ages. Drawing upon the deep history associated with these events, we at Dragonfly Design Studio are creating a line of hand-crafted masks that may be used in a variety of contemporary or traditional ways.
Added on: Dec 31, 2000 | Hits: 14696
Gariarte manufactures carnival masks dedicated to very demanding people. With these masks you will know the atmosphere of the ancient italian "Commedia dell'Arte" and the Venice Carnival. All products are hand-made by experts artisans with totally natural materials and can be used also as decorative wall masks. Visit our catalog and find out the old tradition of the Italian Carnival.
Added on: Dec 31, 2000 | Hits: 16523
( Can make, or teach you how to make floats or anything you desire ) ARTE-CARTA gathers firms that operate in the planning and realization sector of manufactured articles made of papier-mach?, plastic reinforced by incorpored fiberglass, polyurethane, polystyrene. Our lengthy experience guaranties a high quality in restrained costs. Our manufactures answers to the fireproof and safety normativeness.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 28255
The magic fascination of Venice is its history, its past, its ever-lasting tradition; it gives life to precious and special forms of art. Of all the expressive forms, the mask is the object which most represents the Venetian spirit, a spirit of feasting and enjoyment. In the wake of this tradition,in Calle dei Nomboli near S. Tom?, opposite the house in which Carlo Goldoni was born,GUALTIERO DALL'OSTO, a graduate of the Accademy of Fine Arts of Venice, keeps this ancient art of mask- making alive in his TRAGICOMICA workshop.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 16329
(Italian version) IL CARNEVALE DI VENEZIA celebrer? il nuovo Millennio con un?edizione particolare dedicata a Venezia, alla sua storia, al suo presente e al suo futuro, fantasticando le mille citt? possibili e compresenti che la fantasia del Mondo e dei suoi cittadini hanno creato. Venezia, il luogo ove continua una vita sospesa tra Memoria e Desiderio.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 15525
(Version in french) Si vous habitez proche de l'Ard?che vous pouvez venir visiter mon atelier, il est ouvert sur rendez-vous et en principe tout l'?t?. Vous pouvez me faire venir aussi pour une conf?rence sur le masque ou me demander mon essai sur le masque et l'au dela. Apr?s avoir travaill? avec le Bread and Puppet en 1970 etj'ai fond? avec Susan Foagarty leTh??tre du Bl? Noir, avec lequel j'ai cr?? 28 spectacles de th??tre masqu?.Les masques constituent mon p?le d'int?ret privil?gi? depuis 1967 et apr?s 20ans de pratique th??trale et de mise en sc?ne je dirige ? la demande des stages de fabrication de masques et de jeu masqu?. facteur de masque et metteur en sc?ne depuis 1967, j'ai travaill? avec Peter Schuman au Bread and Puppet en 1970 et ensuite cr?? avec Susan Fogarty le Th?atre du Bl? Noir. Aujourd'hui je travaille avec l'Hippocampe THEATRE
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 21345
Fabulous hand made original masks featuring wild and endangered animals. African Lion, Lowland Gorilla, Siberian Tiger, and others. New designs for Mardi Gras 2001: Lion Of Steel, Sea Witch, Society Pigs, Fire and Ice, Brass Jester, others. Great gifts, award winning fantasy. Beautiful to wear or display.
Added on: Jan 10, 2001 | Hits: 17633
Val Marten holds degrees from both the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale and Salisbury University. Her creative work has been enhanced by exposure to different cultural systems through an abiding interest in anthropology, and international travel and study. She is not a specialist in one material or technique.
Added on: Jan 13, 2001 | Hits: 17369
Mexican Maskmaker - sale online
Added on: Jan 15, 2001 | Hits: 15816
Although my ceramic masks are not wearable, I believe that they are part of the maskmaking tradition. There are stories, there are ideas, there is life.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 16700
"Her work explores the most personal, yet universal, of human issues, those not easily articulated, but clearly existing in memory, instantly, and often disturbingly, intuited and recognized by the viewer. " from artist web - resume
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 15043
"I have been building masks and puppets since 1996, and sculpting and drawing since I was old enough to hold a crayon. I love creating visual art with almost every medium, but things like mask-making and puppetry are particularly fascinating to me as they bring art into that magical dimension of time and movement."
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 33224
"My mission is to share magical creativity and spirituality to enlighten and transform."
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 16910
Reinaldo Rodr?guez es un artista mayag?ezano del Barrio Quebrada Grande. A principios del 2000 realiz? una destacada exposici?n en la galer?a Arte y M?scaras del Viejo San Juan. All? exhibi? una colecci?n de m?scaras y pinturas. Esta incluye desde m?scaras en bolsas de estraza hasta imponentes y melenudos vejigantes.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 14190
Maier has exhibited his works at many Native American Shows, including the Denver Western Art Show and Red Earth in Oklahoma City.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 13578
We are a group of maskmakers, makeup artists, puppets and props makers. We do prosthetics, props, puppets and masks in diferent materials depending on your special demand.
Added on: Jan 18, 2001 | Hits: 14248
Ancient American Goddess images by Juan Compo, in paintings, murals, wall hangings, posters and fabrics, are now in private collections in the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. Juan Compo is the name chosen by a fifth generation Canadian artist who built his Mexican studio in Ajijic on Lake Chapala in 1991
Added on: Jan 21, 2001 | Hits: 24069