Category: Start / Maskmakers
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Wonderful masks by different artists. Info about the artists too
Added on: Jan 21, 2001 | Hits: 22777
Masks: Masks are not ornamental. I will never believe that they are. They are absolutely functional. In that sense, I suppose they cannot be considered fine art. But equally clearly they are more than craft. This then, puts masks in a particular category along with the petroglyphs of cave art, magical objects, and some religious art. Masks have a special function, an intent to enable and transform. When someone puts on a mask, he or she intends to become someone or something else, whether in play or in serious intent. In that transformation the person intends to gain power or insight.
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 14522
( Workshops as well) Besuchen sie mich im Atelier in Steinen wo Masken aller Art hergestellt werden. Wachs- Traditionsmasken, Drahtgittermasken Theatermasken, Masken f?r Guggenmusigen usw.
Added on: Jan 22, 2001 | Hits: 17723
"As a member of the Isleta Pueblo, located approximately 15 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the Indian Arts and Crafts Association, I strive to bring to you the finest quality authentic American Indian Art that I can create."
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 13912
With deep gratitude to the Universal Spirit for its guidance and illuminating love and to our many students who have shared with open hearts, courage and joy in this BodyMindSpirit process. In the spirit of aloha, Kaleo The spirit of the islands is the gentle wind.Born and raised in Hawai'i, Kaleo received a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawai'i. He received a Masters in Studio Art at the University of New Mexico and also became a Certified Fine Art Lithographer from the prestigious Tamarind Institute. As a Certified Acupressurist in the Bay Area he integrates oriental bodywork and massage with his 25-year BodyMindSpirit practices of T'ai Chi, Chi Gung and art.
Added on: Jan 27, 2001 | Hits: 14009
"My gourd face masks bring the spirit of imagination to life." I use a blend of oil base paints, fine sand, stains, acryllics. Pheasant, turkey, hackle feathers, horse hair,etc. in my creations.
Added on: Feb 01, 2001 | Hits: 28595
The ancient shamanic rite of mask-making is a powerful healing ritual to awaken to archetypal energies and rebalance energies. It is a process of going into a quiet meditative state to call upon the unconscious forces to surface. The image is "dreamed" into the mask as it is molded to one's face. Then through the art of designing the mask, the energies surface in the conscious mind enabling you to work with them in your life and awaken you to deeper and higher states of awareness. I am available to do individual one-on-one mask-making healings or mask-making workshops.
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 14156
Artisanat d'art > Quelques-unes de ses r?alisations : masques, sculptures, meubles et marqueterie. Tarifs en ligne.
Added on: Feb 11, 2001 | Hits: 13926
It first started as simple enjoyment of Halloween.... then it became more. Now I enjoy helping other people experience the freedom of assuming a fantastic New Identity.
Added on: Feb 15, 2001 | Hits: 20557
Bule, como se conoce a este maestro del arte de la confecci?n de m?scaras, se aparta del tradicional diablo para crear unas impresionantes caretas inspiradas en la morada final de hombre, la muerte. Los rostros creados por ?l, representan osamentas que abren sus mand?bulas y saca a relucir una impresionante dentadura elaborada con dientes de vaca, cerdo o cualquier otro animal. Lantigua Cruz, artista y profesor, experimenta con varias t?cnicas en su trabajo, adem?s de las m?scaras mencionadas anteriormente, crea otras inspiradas en sus propias fantas?as e investigaciones, como lo son, aquellas que nos remontan a la legendaria Africa, con rostro tosco y pelo realizado con soga o cabuya.
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 13932
Don Felipe Abreu es el caretero de mayor antig?edad en el oficio de la provincia de La Vega. Actualmente tiene 80 a?os de edad y con unas m?nimas condiciones econ?micas unidas a los problemas de salud, d?a tras d?a abre y trabaja en su taller en compa?ia de dos ni?os disc?pulos. Las m?scaras fabricadas por este maestro se reconocen por su representaci?n directa del diablo cl?sico y tradicional que por siglos han ilustrado ciertos autores.
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 13905
Cayoya, como se conoce a este famoso caretero, se inici? en su arte en el a?o 1965 y desde entonces sus caretas se conocen en todo el pa?s y en el extranjero. La m?scaras de Cayoya se encuentran en varias exposiciones de arte popular, el Museo de Hombre Dominicano, el Museo Nacional de Cuba, el Museo de las Am?ricas y en innumerables colecciones privadas. Este artista, al igual que los dem?s confecciona sus m?scaras en "papier mach?", con una f?rmula especial que las hace de una dureza ?nica. En sus rostros resaltan rasgos grotescos que representan al la figura del diablo: muchas de sus caretas tienen largos cuernos y dentadura exagerada formada por dientes de vaca , caballo, pl?stico y ?ltimamente, por u?as postizas. Cayoya junto a su obra, ha participado en varias exposiciones nacionales e internacionales, entre las que destacase:
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 21258
The first time I saw Michelangelo's David I was five years old. The second time I saw it I was thirteen and it shocked me because of how much it had shrunk. Michelangelo wrote - 'Whoever does not like the leaves ought not to come here in May.' The story is time, cronos, circular time. The size and shape of things change. Everything influences me even in its absence. Without the memories that I have developed through time I would be a child freshly born...no, I would be just-conceived. I am always building on this story and working toward the end of it, may it be death or forgetfulness. I end up spending a large portion of my time making things that seem to have little purpose like paintings, sculptures, masks, and music. I get absorbed in them and trough them. I sometimes brush up against that being before memory started...if memory started. It's like digging to find a hole.?
Added on: Feb 26, 2001 | Hits: 16727
Over the years, so many people have been curious about the masks I make that I decided to put together a small vanity site with examples of my work. Please feel free to wander about and examine my online mask portfolio
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 13105
Leema Sam is a small entrepreneur. She makes masks, Thanjavur dolls and dancing horses. Her creations have even reached the Galerie Lafayette in Paris and Harrods in U.K, where her masks are much sought after. But at one time, Leema?s story was that of a struggler, groping for a foothold in the small-scale handicraft industry.
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 14674
We not only wish to sell . We hope you ?ll really enjoy our work and get excited , as well we experience it at the time of manufacturing. Although we?d really like you to buy our handicrafts , - since they are our way of life - by means of the masks we?ll try to be a point of meeting with different specialties and feelings .We accept any kind of suggestions . Our "Mask investigation workshop center" , hopes to exchange information , experiences of differents events and workshops , questions , doubts , certainties , etc. concerning the mask from different points of view (theoretical or technical aspects , anecdotes , etc.) Example : we?re looking for pictures of buffoons , jesters and clowns ; if you have somethings like this , and want to send one , we?d appreciate your help. !!
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 13459
"Her soft, colorful masks are still decorated in the old style, using virtually anything at hand. But instead of the broken jewelry, bird feathers, and animal bones her ancestors might have gathered on their farms, Launey "scavenges? at the craft supply section of her local Wal-Mart. She might use a plastic snake for a tongue or shoulder pads for lips"
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 13857
We have been making the masks & the dolls in New Orleans for 16 years now. All our custom made dolls & masks are tastefully designed by us . We could make any color, any size & any design that you desire . We have carefully designed our unique hand made masks and dolls with reasonable prices.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 13891
Doug Uptmor With my masks, I do not seek to capture or render some external truth. Instead, I seek to give form to raw emotion, raw memory
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14019
Besides being a scientist, Prof. Mosko Moskov has several performances in art. He takes up poetry, painting and the art of making masks. He is the author of the poetry collection: "Life and I ,death and I, my Ego and I". In the fields of fine arts he has created more than 100 pieces of art - 70 of them you can see in this site. Prof. Moskov has made masks for 30 years, now, by using materials that he has gathered from the see coast or taken from the see itself. These materials are see-shells, periwinkles, animal bones, stones as well as industrial wastes.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14142
Mit seiner Vielfalt und Detailpflege beeindruckt der umfangreiche Kost?m-Fundus, von dessen 70j?hriger Geschichte ?ber 250.000 Kost?me und Uniformen erz?hlen. Diese Schatzkammer birgt originale Kleidungsst?cke von der Jahrhundertwende bis in die Neuzeit sowie sorgf?ltig angefertigte historische Kost?me aus studioeigenen Werkst?tten
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 14333
Maler und Grafiker HANS-GERHARD BL?DORN mit der Technik der RADIERUNG - von dem freischaffenden K?nstler - - mit Photos -
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 16980
I have studied various art forms, from graphic design to fashion design, and dance, as well as self taught expressions such as jewelery design and poetry writing. Each of these mediums has influenced my mask designs. I became interested in mask design while studying Anthropology, as well as vast metaphysical literature. My methods are all self taught and I don't plan any of my pieces, I just go with the flow. Materials range from velvet and leather to crystals,chain, plaster and feathers. Each of these masks were titled after completion. They became themselves I guess. I started creating as a small child and have found the true path of my soul through creation. I welcome any inquiries for commissioned works or creative partnerships such as fashion shows or photo shoots. Please refer to the contact page on this site.
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 15442
The history of C?sar goes back to the 19th Century. At that time the Barthelemy couple used goose feathers (and other feathers) to write. But then steel nibs appeared and were considerably better than the feather. Thus the Barthelemy?s decided to abandon writing, but not the feathers, and in 1842 they started to make masks..... from feathers. In 1905, a certain Mr. C?sar - whose parents lacked neither humour nor ambition for their son when they called him ?Jules? - took over the business and gave it his name. The children, grandchildren, great grand children of Jules C?sar succeeded him at the head of the business until 1991, when it was sold to the current Chairman and Managing Director, Richard Roizen
Added on: Apr 20, 2001 | Hits: 21533