Category: Start / Maskmakers
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Over the years, so many people have been curious about the masks I make that I decided to put together a small vanity site with examples of my work. Please feel free to wander about and examine my online mask portfolio
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 13901
Arttherapy,Performances, Exhibitions, Workshops, Education. Jeder Mensch kann im k?nstlerischen Handeln das heilende Element erfahren: In der ganzen Menschheitsgeschichte, in allen Kulturen wurde Kunst immer in Zusammenhang mit Heilen gebracht. Rhytmische, t?nzerische, theatralische Elemente, Masken, Skulpturen, Bilder, Musik, Poesie sind urspr?nglich Ausdruck von Heilritualen.
Added on: Nov 21, 2002 | Hits: 14097
Jacob performs, teaches and creates masks using wood or paper mache. Video of masks playing on the site.
Added on: Apr 28, 2002 | Hits: 14109
We not only wish to sell . We hope you ?ll really enjoy our work and get excited , as well we experience it at the time of manufacturing. Although we?d really like you to buy our handicrafts , - since they are our way of life - by means of the masks we?ll try to be a point of meeting with different specialties and feelings .We accept any kind of suggestions . Our "Mask investigation workshop center" , hopes to exchange information , experiences of differents events and workshops , questions , doubts , certainties , etc. concerning the mask from different points of view (theoretical or technical aspects , anecdotes , etc.) Example : we?re looking for pictures of buffoons , jesters and clowns ; if you have somethings like this , and want to send one , we?d appreciate your help. !!
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 14229
Katja has been making maks and costumes since 1992. She uses a variety of methods: paper mache mask over a clay mold, wire based paper mache helmet masks and wire based cloth masks using natural materials like bark or rafia. Since 1995 she has studied with Eric Bornstein and works with 'Behind the Mask Theater' doing outdoor events like First Night.
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14325
Linda Bucheli trained in visual arts in Quito in Equador & the Nansen Academy in Norway before becoming Wolf + Water Arts Company?s mask maker. She also works with the company as a designer & workshop facilitator, especially with children & people with learning difficulties. To see samples of Linda's masks please click here.
Added on: May 16, 2002 | Hits: 14386
Lucrecia Novoa studied Fine Arts in University of Chile and the Massachusetts College of Arts In 1996, Lucrecia attended the Art of the Mask course offered by Eric Bornstein. This was a turning point in her career. Under Eric's patient guidance, she learned not only techniques of mask masking but also how to mold gestures and expressions into the masks. In the process of creating them, Lucrecia was forced to look at her self in the mirror constantly. What she found was the recollection of past anxieties, frustrations and anger. That's why her first masks were very dark
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14403
Eric Bornstein is one of the United States' leading maskmakers. He studied maskmaking with Agung Suardana in Bali, Donato Sartori in Italy, and has developed his own unique approach to maskmaking and mask performance. Eric has worked as an actor, dancer and teacher, and has been designing masks professionally since 1982. He is the founder of Behind The Mask and Behind The Mask Theatre
Added on: May 21, 2002 | Hits: 14435
Maier has exhibited his works at many Native American Shows, including the Denver Western Art Show and Red Earth in Oklahoma City.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 14441
Hi, I live in the U.S., and I am an Aviculturist. I have been studying on my own how to make masks and I find it fascinating. So far have made about 20, and most of them have feathers from my peacocks, parrots, and other Avian friends, when they molt.
Added on: Jul 20, 2001 | Hits: 14496
Dancer Mime Clown Mask Maker Musician Actor "A man of numerous identities and talents, who mesmerized audiences with his unusual forms of body art." + video clips
Added on: May 01, 2002 | Hits: 14597
the german woodcarver and maskmaker Christian Schweiger invites you to his atelier, a century old circuswaggon...
Added on: Dec 14, 2002 | Hits: 14649
"Her soft, colorful masks are still decorated in the old style, using virtually anything at hand. But instead of the broken jewelry, bird feathers, and animal bones her ancestors might have gathered on their farms, Launey "scavenges? at the craft supply section of her local Wal-Mart. She might use a plastic snake for a tongue or shoulder pads for lips"
Added on: Apr 03, 2001 | Hits: 14681
(Go TO Bottom of page and click on masks.)Works in ?Stone Cardboard? Aquest material permet de fer obres molt grans i tamb? molt petites, ja que ?s un material que, despr?s de seguir tot un llarg proc?s, d?na un producte de qualitat, el qual ?s perdurable i consistent. A Catalunya ?s un ofici arrelat des de fa molt i molt de temps, oferint un ampli ventall de peces com: Gegants i Nans; Carrosses, tant per a Reis/Epifania com per a Carnestoltes; motius d'adornament i decorats teatrals i per a envelats; titelles, nines, cavalls, capses i un llarg nombre d'altres coses. This material can be used to create works of both very large and very small dimensions, since it is a material that, after undergoing a long process, gives a high-quality product which is solid and durable. This craft has been established In Catalonia for hundreds of years and has offered a wide range of artistic works, such as: Giants and Dwarfs; parade floats for the Magis of the Epiphany, as well as for Carnival (Mardi Gras); decorative themes of all kinds and theatrical settings; puppets, dolls, hobby-horses, coffers, caskets and countless other items.
Added on: Jun 04, 2001 | Hits: 14721
Kirsten is a selftaught wood carver, mask-maker-player and instructor to various assignments in Scandinavia, Europe and Greenland. The masks are done in pine or birch. Their expressions are being accentuated by the yearrings and the surface treatment. They are being used in many connections: exhibitions, workshops, teaching, theatre and processions. Kirsten is also working with paper, metal, glass-fiber and making plaster figures, big sculptures and reliefs. Since 1982 working with the theatre group Morild. They are playing with masks and telling stories for children and adults. She is the leader of Dunkelfolket which is a group existing of up to 45 maskdancers. Dunkelfolket has attended many different carnivals: Aalborg, Stockholm, Viareggio, London, Vilnius, Oslo just to name a few. In february 2000 Dunkelfolket is going to be one of the main attractions at the big New Year celebration in Singapore. Kirsten has since 1995 been working as an instructor and maskmaker at "K?bmands-g?rdens teater". In 1998 she took part in the "Hope theatre Festival" in Tokyo Japan, and the same year she went to Canada on a study tour to visit the Haida Indians. Kirsten is a teacher at "Nordjyllands Amt" where you can hire an artist for only a fourth of a normal salary. She is a member of "Danske Billedkunstners Fagforening","Kunstnernes kooperative" and "Det kunstneristiske R?d Kunstpavillon-en Aalborg". From 1993 to 97 she has been a member of the group behind "Aalborg Kommunes Kul-turpulje". Dunkelfolket got Nordjyske Kulturpris 2001.
Added on: Feb 05, 2002 | Hits: 14723
Elegamt feathered masks ideal for Masquerade Ball, Halloween, Mardi Gras, Gay Pride, or home decoration.
Added on: Jan 06, 2004 | Hits: 14730
Site under construction april 2001 KT wrote the article " Breaking the Silence " Katheryn Trenshaw is a fine artist and an experienced group leader specialising in healing through art, ritual, body awareness and creativity. Her contagious passion for life and her ability to encourage celebration and making the everyday sacred are hallmarks of her workshops throughout the U.S. and Europe. Katheryn unabashedly believes in magic and laughter as medicine!
Added on: Apr 24, 2001 | Hits: 14737
Quite litterally: Singing masks. Composer and maskmaker just go take a look! This is fabulous. "Much of the power and impact of Lowrey's work comes from the combination of archetypal material (in the appearance of the masks, gestures, and the sounds of water, percussion, and voice) and the collective participation of the audience. The pieces drew the listeners into various modes of parrticipation in a structurally strong and rightly intuitive flow of events. In that envelope of dreamtime, we listeners experienced a collective deep consciousness. This is music that transforms and heals."
Added on: May 23, 2002 | Hits: 14743
Don Felipe Abreu es el caretero de mayor antig?edad en el oficio de la provincia de La Vega. Actualmente tiene 80 a?os de edad y con unas m?nimas condiciones econ?micas unidas a los problemas de salud, d?a tras d?a abre y trabaja en su taller en compa?ia de dos ni?os disc?pulos. Las m?scaras fabricadas por este maestro se reconocen por su representaci?n directa del diablo cl?sico y tradicional que por siglos han ilustrado ciertos autores.
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 14748
Bule, como se conoce a este maestro del arte de la confecci?n de m?scaras, se aparta del tradicional diablo para crear unas impresionantes caretas inspiradas en la morada final de hombre, la muerte. Los rostros creados por ?l, representan osamentas que abren sus mand?bulas y saca a relucir una impresionante dentadura elaborada con dientes de vaca, cerdo o cualquier otro animal. Lantigua Cruz, artista y profesor, experimenta con varias t?cnicas en su trabajo, adem?s de las m?scaras mencionadas anteriormente, crea otras inspiradas en sus propias fantas?as e investigaciones, como lo son, aquellas que nos remontan a la legendaria Africa, con rostro tosco y pelo realizado con soga o cabuya.
Added on: Feb 21, 2001 | Hits: 14751
The story behind these theatermasks is inspired by pressecion (an astronomical greatness) in relation to the ancient greeks which where (one of) the first to use masks to emphasize a character to stand out in a large crowd (at amphitheatres).
Added on: Jun 03, 2002 | Hits: 14757
This site is for a gallery of masks of different types and genres, from Commedia dell Arts to Neutral, Four Temperaments to Naiive. It also includes workshops on making and using masks, and the application of masks in psychodrama and psychotherapy.
Added on: Jun 25, 2013 | Hits: 14766