Category: Start / Maskmakers / Leather
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Handcrafted Leather Theatre Masks by Wendy Drolma of Woodstock, New York. These decorative masks are uniquely created from leather and velvet. Each leather mask will stand out at masquerades and parties.
Added on: Apr 25, 2006 | Hits: 18276
Designed and handcrafted by Mats Petersson, Studio Stonesnake. Part of Intershop: The Northerner, a place where you can find Scandinavian crafts, gifts and food with roots in the Nordic and Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland.
Added on: Nov 25, 2002 | Hits: 17725
Tiger Torre Art sells hand-molded, hand-painted leather masks and crowns, each a unique, wearable work of art. Tiger, the artist, can custom fit the mask to the customer, work under and over glasses, and loves the challenge of custom designs. She also makes a variety of other custom leather gear, including bracers, knife sheaths, pouches, collars and much more. Tiger is featured on the HGTV show, ?That?s Clever? in 2006.
Added on: Feb 24, 2006 | Hits: 20574
I am Shining Eagle, of the Northern Ioway Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska. I create sculptured leather masks. A cast is taken of the face, and a leather mask is created from this form. The reflection seen in the finished mask is the spirit of the Native American People. The leather masks were first created by CrowWolf, a Cree artist of many talents. Previously known as Soaring Eagle. At the moment, I am working on a series of masks,"The Ioway Peoples" As they are finished, I will add them to this site. They are casts of tribal members, and are a first!!
Added on: May 09, 2002 | Hits: 18779
The masks you will encounter on these pages embody characters and spirits from mythology and literature, imagination and dream, as well as the natural world of plants and animals. All are hand sculpted of fine leather, using techniques based on those of the Rennaissance "Commedia dell'Arte" maskmakers.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 16439
Carlo Remi was born in the administrative area of San Miniato, and still lives there, working in the tanning industry. In the early 1970s, he became deeply involved in amateur photography, joining a photographic club which he still attends. He has taken part in photographic competitions at national level and displayed his work in collective exhibitions as well as a personal exhibition entitled "Conciapelli", receiving considerable recognition. This art of creating images through a lens led him to take up another type of visual expression: he was able to create a face and an expression from a piece of material, in this case leather. The examples illustrated here are entirely hand-made, shaped with craftman's tools and finished with natural products. They can be recognised as animal-like faces inspired by imagination, masks with expressions of suffering and sorrow, which have always held a place of particular fascination in the history of man.
Added on: May 25, 2002 | Hits: 16003
Commedia leather masks...and lots more if you ask
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 20654
We are new mask makers in mask world and we want to sale some products so cheap.
And we descovered a new style of a embossed leather picture.Visit and see our products.
Added on: Feb 04, 2003 | Hits: 20132
Artist's Statement: What is Valmortha? "Originally a place name, a world created through years of storytelling, I like to think of Valmortha as the Unknown Universe Just Left of the Imagination - A home for creatures, spirits and personalities we dare to dream but jealously guard from the mundane. As mischievous children, dreams sometimes venture forth from their protected home, becoming inspiration. Such is the impetus behind my craft." "By serendipitous choice, the leather medium proved a true complement to the often demanding and impatient wanderings of my inspirations. Malleable only if properly coaxed, it hints at and suggests the transformation to come, granting me some tiny illusion of control. Being both durable and flexible, the leather encourages you to play with the art. Don't just hang it on the wall. Wear it, dance with it, take it camping!"
Added on: Dec 25, 2005 | Hits: 20500
... Hand-crafted Leather Masks ... For costume, ritual, play or decor. Fine quality leather, hand-painted & sculpted ( and many other nice things )
Added on: Feb 02, 2001 | Hits: 21009
Maskmaking in leather and wood. Trained by Donato Sartori, Italy and Ida Bagus Anom, Bali. Trained as performer at the Dell?rte Intern. School
Added on: Nov 26, 2001 | Hits: 24257
Mask Parade features hand crafted leather festival masks by international mask artist Vincent Ur. With the open mouth required by being a festival mask they are perfect for Mardi Gras, Renaissance, Theatre, and Masquerade. Each mask is made from a single piece of leather, then sealed and painted with acrylic paint. Mask Parade not only offers custom work, but also an incredible variety of styles ranging from festive jesters, suns and moons, - nature inspired masks such as timberwolves, butterflys and owls, - to the grim and gothic side such as warlocks, wraithes, and demons, - and many, many more.
Added on: Jan 21, 2001 | Hits: 21984
BY Stanley Allan Sherman /Leather Theater & Wrestling Masks Stanley Allan Sherman specializes in designing, creating and crafting leather theatre masks and custom fitted clown noses for Theater, Opera, Dance, Teaching, Clowns and Wrestling. He created the world famous WWF's Mankind Wrestling Mask. Masks for road company's of Phantom of the Opera, Big Apple Circus, foot long nose Doctors masks for Patch Adam's, Top Hat for Phillip Petit, clown noses for clown's working in hospital's, theatre's and outside. He also teaches his craft.
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 26045
M?scaras en cuero para teatro ,videos,performances y fiestas. Formamos el Centro Taller de Investigaci?n de la M?scara en Uruguay. P?gina en ingl?s y espa?ol.
Added on: Feb 19, 2001 | Hits: 20757
ohn Flemming, New Orleans' renowned leather mask maker, concentrates on the art of transformation. His subject is the mask, that ancient form that both disguises and reveals. Flemming creates intricately crafted masks in leather that stand independent as sculptures and, when worn, encompass the wearer in an evocative atmosphere.
Added on: Aug 26, 2008 | Hits: 23071
Hello, and welcome to my ever-updating page. I am a freelance artist working out of my home in Baltimore, MD. I produce leather masks, corsets, fantasy and custom leather gear. Besides my art, there is my love, my friends, family, pets, and the pursuit of happiness and balance in a chaotic world.
Added on: Jan 28, 2001 | Hits: 25862
Masks are tools which enable us to visualize reality in the spirit of our imaginative natures, allowing us to transform our inner and outer selves according to our vision. In truth we all wear masks, living ones. Some of us hide behind them, others judge them according to what is chiseled in their stone, some of us use them as vehicles of expression to win friends and influence people, some few of us wear them openly, unafraid of their shape-shifting powers which freely show inmost emotions and feelings through ever changing gestures upon its surface. Therein is the use of Theatre and its Mask traditions. A skilled actor can create never before seen moments with such a tool. We are told to emulate the actor in our daily lives, we being the passing character upon the stage of life. Thus life itself could be viewed as ART and all of Creation being a Mask upon the face of EMPTINESS. Should any who practice this ART need a Mask, only ask.
Added on: Jun 21, 2002 | Hits: 22309
Isabelle Larsen born in 1971 Baerum in Norway Address: 16, rue Martyrs de la Resistance, 06430 St. Dalmas de Tende, France Cellular: :+33 (0)6 15 72 40 79
Added on: Mar 19, 2001 | Hits: 22477
Of Inca and Cherokee decent, Gregorio represents himself in his art as "the Indian of the Americas." His work, in part, derives from an artistic journey told through the voices of ancient civilizations. "I hear through the ages with my designs; I vitalize them with my colors." Gregorio's art also derives from the eyes of contemporary humanity. "In a language of color, shape, form, and symbolism, my deepest secrets and most passionate feelings are exposed through my paintings as if they were my diary."
Added on: Jan 28, 2001 | Hits: 22014
Helen produces from the family shop the masks and the other articles that you will find in this area that because of the quality and originality of the creations we have decided to call the "Shop of Helen." Particularly it is the ability, combined with an aesthetical sense of being able to bind the innovation to the tradition, that characterizes the work of Helen, also to be able to creat original masks in the purity of the Art's Theater ancient tradition, to which they belong.
Added on: Oct 08, 2002 | Hits: 22145
Elemental Inspirations is a small arts studio in Ellicott City, Maryland, just outside of Baltimore. We have been chiefly inspired by the native american culture, but also draw our motivation from renaissance, mythological and contemporary styles to create our unique designs. Each item is hand made and is one of a kind. Styles can be mimicked, but for the most part, never exactly duplicated. Following the native american ways, we mostly attend pow wows in our area. Our major media for our art is in leather and jewelry, but we are able to work with just about anything given time. We also support other local artists, so a few of the items on this site are consignment pieces.
Added on: Jul 27, 2002 | Hits: 22597
The act of mask making gives me both kinesthetic and visual pleasure, as the leather flows beneath my fingers. A dialogue develops between myself and the leather and it is as if I'm shaping water, molten rock or wind. Two of the masks on this page are what I call masked masks.
Added on: Jan 24, 2001 | Hits: 27411
David (Logan) Born has had a passion for leather-work since 1988. From Renaissance clothing and boots to the Old West to Art-Nuevo David has done it all. He can be found at many S.A.S.S. Events in Southern California taking a bullet in the gut for cheating at cards. Also, you might spot him at a Renaissance Festival.
Added on: Jan 28, 2001 | Hits: 22773