Category: Start / Maskmakers / Wood
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Herzlich Willkommen auf meiner Homepage. Ich fertige traditionelle Masken für die schwäbisch-alemannische Fasnet und freue mich über Euren Besuch! Welcome to my homepage. I am a young mask maker and create masks made by wood for the swabian-alemanic Fasnacht. So have a look at my Page and see you;)
Added on: Jul 24, 2012 | Hits: 23465
One who has practiced this craft for many years is Toni Meier. Together with his son he produces countless wooden masks every year in his atelier in Kriens. Each mask is unique. Because no specific features are required for the character masks, Toni Meier carves each character into the wood (lime tree) as he feels, freely and without a template. The masks are then treated for hygienic reasons and to protect the wood and normally weigh 200 – 250 grams.
Added on: May 14, 2012 | Hits: 22266
Horta works in collaboration with his wife and five children. His sons are carvers in their own right, and also help in the production of their father's work. Horta has exhibited his art throughout Mexico and the United States including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Field Museum of Natural History, and Brown University. He is a first prize winner of Mexico?s National Mask Maker competition, and is included in the permanent collections of El Museo de la Mascara in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. His masks are featured world-wide in the performances of the ?Ballet Folklorico de Mexico?.
Added on: May 12, 2007 | Hits: 20868
We are showing traditional Japanese Noh Masks (Noumen), Devil (Oni) Masks, Kyogen Masks, Shishigashira for (Lion dance). We have over 120 historical character masks available for purchase, also we can create and supply any kind of masks you like."
Added on: Jun 26, 2006 | Hits: 29093
Born 14 July 1911.Don Teodoro began carving at age 63 so if you find one of his masks, it is unlikely that it is more than 31 years old.He is able to carve one mask a day. Aguacate is his wood of preference.
Added on: Apr 06, 2006 | Hits: 15595
Besides carving masks, the artist also performs with his fabulous 'invisible masks,' a process which he created to make the mask disappear on his face. His one man show entitled "Face to Face in a Frenzy" is a comical, satirical and mesmerizing performance utilizing the awesome power of the masks to transform and deliver fascinating and relevant messages.
Added on: Aug 25, 2005 | Hits: 18869
I was part of the DellArte School of Physical Theatre's Bali Study Abroad program in the spring of 2003 and had the priveldge of studying under I Ketut Molog in his mask making studio. I have written an article with photographs outlining the process and techniques in carving a Balinese mask.
Added on: Sep 13, 2003 | Hits: 16075
Jodi's page, introducing her distinctive style in shell rattles, carved masks and wood sculptures, intuitive colored pencil drawings
Added on: May 17, 2003 | Hits: 21588
The Legacy Ltd. is acknowledged by many museums and collectors as the nation?s foremost source of traditional Northwest Coast Indian and Alaskan Native Art, both historic and contemporary. Since 1933, we?ve assisted beginning and advanced collectors, museum curators, connoisseurs of the authentic and beautiful, and visitors interested in something more than a souvenir. We?re a known and well respected resource not just in the United States and Canada, but also in Europe and Japan.
Added on: May 17, 2003 | Hits: 23175
Fabulous German wood carvers masks. You order masks here for carnival or masks as art to be hung on your walls. " Vor etwas mehr als 40 Jahren, begann Otto Pfaff, Holzbildhauermeister, mit der Herstellung von Miniaturmasken aus Kunststoff. Einige Zeit sp?ter, ?bernahm sein Sohn Willi Pfaff den Betrieb und leitet diesen noch heute. In den vielen Jahren wurde das Herstellungsverfahren weiter optimiert und ist heute auf einem sehr hohen Qualit?tsstandard. Dennoch werden alle unsere Produkte immer noch in sehr aufwendiger Handarbeit hergestellt. Jedes "M?skle" wird individuell nach Ihren Vorgaben entworfen und angefertigt. Informieren Sie sich doch einmal unverbindlich. Wir freuen uns auf Sie! "
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 16882
Robert Hangartner ist eidg. dipl. Holzbildhauermeister. Er ist seit 1983 Freischaffend. Kundenauftr?ge und freie, eigene Entw?rfe sind sein Spezialgebiet.
Added on: Nov 20, 2002 | Hits: 15230
"On the pages that follow, I have selected a wide and varied collection of my work to include with descriptions. It has a been a great pleasure to create these and I wish to share them with you. I invite you to take this tour with me. Just click on the category that interests you."
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 21172
NOVICA ARTIST Throughout my childhood I had always been interested in wood carvings and always wished to be a carver one day. In 1992 I ventured into wood carving and undertook a two and a half year course as an apprentice carver with Emmanuel Osei Ringo, a renowned carver who has greatly inspired me to greater heights. "My mum and dad gave me their blessings and have always been encouraging me. My wife is also a great inspirer, who has always been giving me ideas of what to do and to mean something. At the moment I am self-established, being assisted by my wife, who promotes my stuff, a shop attendant, three other professional carvers with twelve boys and five ladies training in my company, Penkstaraft. My products have been showcased in 15 countries abroad including the US and in various national exhibitions."
Added on: Oct 06, 2002 | Hits: 15444
NOVICA ARTIST A number of exhibitions in which Chico has participated testify to his reputation as an upstanding professional in his field. He has been present at almost all exhibitions on art organized by the American community in Ghana. He has been honored with invitations outside Ghana, some of which, though, he has had to decline due mainly to constraints of serious engagements in his home country. As a busy entrepreneur he has trained many people to help him with his business. Chico is a master restorer of collected antiques, as well as an imaginative creator of new carvings.
Added on: Oct 06, 2002 | Hits: 15184
NOVICA ARTIST "In the year 1984, I was introduced to the carving profession by my cousin who was a carver in Aburi and also a professional teacher. He taught me how to carve for about a year and I had not much difficulty. I then started a full-time professional carving career late in 1985 with a shop of my own in Aburi . I have been carving on my own since. "I also learned how to decorate my works with brass and beads, making them unique. I also paint them sometimes and I am inspired most at times by my works, they are unique and attractive."
Added on: Oct 06, 2002 | Hits: 20254
NOVICA ARTIST "We acquire a type of hardwood known as 'sese' in the Eastern Region for carving the masks. Other materials we use are potassium, emulsion red or black paint, metal plate and sometimes clay. Glue is used extensively. There are about twenty people working in the shop"...
Added on: Oct 06, 2002 | Hits: 22414
Welcome to my Website! I Hand-Carve original masks and offer them here for sale. Feel free to browse my gallery, enjoy my art and contact me if you wish to purchase any piece. I'm a retired Woodworker, carving from my studio in beautiful Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada. My mask carvings are all original, one-of-a-kind designs, which were inspired by artworks from Asia, Africa and North American Aboriginal Art. All carvings are done with hand tools ... no electrical or mechanical engravers, rotary tools or the like are used. The current offerings are all carved from Western Yellow Cedar, an aromatic wood indigenous to the Northwest Coastal regions of North America.
Added on: Jul 29, 2002 | Hits: 21708
"Alutiq carver Jerry Laktonen (the last name comes from one of the Finnish Saame [Lapp] reindeer herders who were brought to Alaska in the late 1800?s to try and establish a reindeer herding industry) worked as a commercial fisherman for most of his adult life, coming to carving at age 45 only after fishing could no longer provide his family with a living. "
Added on: Jul 28, 2002 | Hits: 15523
The northwest coast cultures were rich and diverse. We have representations of the Kwakiutl, Coast Salish, Nu Chah Nulth, Tsimshian and Haida people. The diversity between northwest coast natives reflects itself in their woodcarving and mask making. Today, the art has adapted itself to glass, printmaking and bronzes. These new art forms are destined to become tomorrow's tradition.
Added on: Jul 28, 2002 | Hits: 25511
He now lives in Apuan Singapadu Gianyar and has practised mask making since grade three of elementary school, under tutorship of Ketut Mastra, a local mask maker. The first mask he made was a monkey mask and, over time, human mask and others of mythological characters for dance performance. He spent the money he collected from this artistic undertaking on his education. After graduation from a High School of Art, Tebe enrolled for the State Teaching Institute in Yogyakarta, Central Java. During his study in the Institute, he laid aside mask making to concentrate more on his study. He now works as a teacher for Sukawati 1 State Handcraft High School in Batubulan, Gianyar, and still practices mask making after his tutorial works. The masks he makes are mostly for dances related to religious ceremony such as "topeng Sidakarya", "topeng dedalem", "topeng jauk", "topeng barong", "topeng rangda", "topeng celuluk" and others. The wood for his masks is locally termed as kayu pule, a light kind of wood much credited by Hindu for its magical merit. He buys the wood in the markets around Singapadu and sometimes imports from Tabanan. Chisel and an indigenous implement called pangot are his working tools.
Added on: Jul 21, 2002 | Hits: 15691
The Maskmaker Kirsten Gitz-Johansen is a selftaught wood carver, mask-maker-player and instructor to various assignments in Scandinavia, Europe and Greenland. The masks are done in pine or birch. Their expressions are being accentuated by the yearrings and the surface treatment. They are being used in many connections: exhibitions, workshops, teaching, theatre and processions. Kirsten is also working with paper, metal, glass-fiber and making plaster figures, big sculptures and reliefs.
Added on: Feb 05, 2002 | Hits: 17139
Beautiful Highclass Papier Mache Masks. For Sale via Internet.
Added on: Nov 29, 2001 | Hits: 23102
Joe Senungetuk is a master carver, educator and writer
Added on: Apr 23, 2001 | Hits: 21599
I am a master carver and I teach the traditional functional art of my people. I teach my people, as well as others, how to make masks, bentwood hats, traditonal clothing, skin sewing, and weapon making. I also like to teach about the cultural significance of each piece, design elements, color schemes, and how to put design elements together so they kind of have a flowing meaning or tell a story.
Added on: Apr 23, 2001 | Hits: 22290