Category: Start / Mask ensembles / Mask performers
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English troupe using masks and puppets
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 17843
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 15627
Danish maskgroup performing with wooden masks, by Kirsten Gitz - Johansen
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 15590
A remarkable group of engineers, musicians, sculptors, performers, poets and pyrotechnicians, the company has invented many prototypes such as site-specific theatre in landscape, lantern processions, spectacular fireshows, community carnivals and participatory festivals. These creations have been by turns beautiful, abrasive, didactic, provocative, disturbing, wondrous and even gently therapeutic.
Added on: Dec 27, 2000 | Hits: 19009
"TaskMaskers shares joy with others through mask theater. By creating, educating, and performing in mask, we seek to reach people and evolve them through laughter and pathos" + EDUCATION AND WORKSHOPS
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 15798
The Green Fools are a physical theatre company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company is dedicated to the production of innovative performances,which are often performed in unusual settings.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 17973
In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre (HOBT) uses the ancient tradition of puppet and mask theatre to explore issues, events and values of contemporary society. The theatre, which is internationally recognized for its artistry, is strongly grounded in the concerns of its home neighborhood, and in regional and global issues.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 18487
Designer, Director, Actor, Tutor, and Improviser, I am enjoying a varied career in the theatre, film and television. Designing and Creating Images for The World Youth Festival and The World Netball Championships opening Ceremony. My work has featured in many large community based projects throughout NZ, Summer Shakespares and Theatre shows as a set designer, mask maker and props builder.
Added on: Dec 31, 2000 | Hits: 28679
The Venetian Company "Teatroimmagine" was born in 1989 on the initiative of a small group of young artists who had different experiences in the Venetian Popular Theather
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 16661
Luoghi dell' Arte -Founded by Marco Luly in 1990, the Theatre Company "Luoghi dell' Arte" of Rome, Italy, researches in the field of Italian Popular Theatre, performing mostly Medieval Plays, Commedia dell' Arte masked Theatre and Carlo Goldoni's plays.
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 23880
version in french STREETPERFORMERS
Added on: Jan 03, 2001 | Hits: 16543
Im Jahre 1974 wurde, durch die Idee von Remy Sch?pflin, die Maskengruppe Teufelsknechte gegr?ndet. Mit den weiteren Gr?ndungsmitgliedern Ursula Sch?pflin, J?rgen Eichin, Gabi Sch?tz, J?rgen B?uerle, Walter M?ller, Jutta Asal, Joachim Mattis, Bernd W?ssner und Hartmut Matth?s wurde am 08. November 1975, anl??lich eines Familienabends der Narrenzunft Maulburg, erstmals der Teufelsknecht mit H?s vorgestellt.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 15675
German Maskensemble with wonderful witches.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 15815
Die Idee eine Hexenclique zu bilden entstand im Oktober '97 durch Tanja Kiefer sowie Selma Blanchet und Medi (Jeanne) Pieper-B?hm. Schnell fanden sich ein paar Leute die von dem Gedanken angetan waren in der kommenden Fasnetsaison als Hexen mitzuwirken. Es kam eine lustige Truppe zusammen.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 22367
Die Sumpfgumber Guggemusik wurde am 09.Oktober 1988 im Landgasthof ?Auerhahn" in Wyhlen als eingetragener Verein, der keiner Narrenzunft angeh?rt, gegr?ndet.
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 16276
?La M?scara es un rico y bello m?dium o instrumento de los dioses, dotado de sus sue?os y pesadillas, conque Viento Teatro poetiza su incursi?n en el viaje hacia la b?squeda de la memoria precolombina.?
Added on: Jan 04, 2001 | Hits: 18169
Gateway Performance Productions is known nationally and internationally for it?s innovative mask theatre productions. Gateway is a company of mime/dancer /actor/puppeteers under the direction of director/ playwright/ performer /choreographer Sandra Hughes. The company has performed at theatres, arts festivals, arts centers, museums, universities, colleges, schools, cultural centers, and community centers in 34 states in the U.S. and Italy, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Canada and Mexico
Added on: Jan 08, 2001 | Hits: 15363
( + courses and organisation to spread knowledge and study.Site in Swedish and spanish too) Commedia Gillet is Mask and Commedia Centrum's official Theatre company in Stockholm, Sweden. We work with Masks, Jesters and Commedia in our productions in searching for a visual theatre language that will make you laugh and wonder. Commedia Gillet stands for young artistic creation, for a non represented theatre form and for a richer culture.
Added on: Jan 13, 2001 | Hits: 19428
The Venetian Company "Teatroimmagine" was born in 1989 on the initiative of a small group of young artists who had different experiences in the Venetian Popular Theather.
Added on: Jan 15, 2001 | Hits: 14739
"TaskMaskers shares joy with others through mask theater. By creating, educating, and performing in mask, we seek to reach people and evolve them through laughter and pathos"
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 14753