Category: Start / Mask ensembles / Mask performers
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"Masken, soweit sie nicht im Theater oder beim Karneval anzutreffen sind, hinterlassen auch au?erhalb der B?hne ihre Spuren und treiben ihren Mummenschanz ganz ungeniert in aller ?ffentlichkeit; Menschen, mit Gesichtern maskiert. Nicht immer werden die Spielregeln eingehalten und w?ren da nicht die Taten, w??te man wohl nie was sich hinter so manchem Gesicht befindet. Masken, soweit sie im Theater oder beim Karneval anzutreffen sind, leben von ihrer Faszination und da sie nichts zu verbergen haben ( bis auf ein Gesicht ), hat man auch keine Angst vor ihnen. Unerbittlich zwingen sie dem Spieler ihre physischen und psychischen Eigenschaften auf und geben erst Ruhe, wenn sie, total entfesselt, zu leben beginnen, um uns in ihren Bann zu ziehen............"
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 7677
Das Wiener Masken- und Musiktheater besteht seit 1986. Musiker, Schauspieler, bildende K?nstler, Komponisten und Regisseure schlossen sich in ihm zusammen, um auf der Schnittstelle von Figuren-, Musik- und Tanztheater, sowie Kabarett mit der eigent?mlichen Kraft der Masken neues Theater zu erschaffen. 36381 Schl?chtern Thomas und Angelika Kippenberg F?r Anregungen, W?nsche und Kontakt zur Vernetzung mit anderen (Masken-) Theater- Gruppen:
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 8247
Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit ist das spontane Aktionstheater. Dabei bewegen wir uns frei auf dem Platz und treiben unsere Possen. Die Distanz zwischen Akteuren und Zuschauern ist hierbei weitgehend aufgehoben, denn wir legen Wert darauf, die Besucher und Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung durch direkte Ansprache mit in unser Spiel einzubeziehen. Maskenspiel und Mummenschanz
Added on: Apr 09, 2001 | Hits: 7633
Schauspiel und Buch: Rudi Rhode Regie und Buch: Rainer Hau?mann Theatermasken, Requisite, Plakate, Grafik: Sabine Meis Konzeption, Buch, Video: Tillamm Schr?rs
Added on: Apr 13, 2001 | Hits: 7577
Theater for children. Masks and Puppets. Workshops too.
Added on: Apr 18, 2001 | Hits: 7580
The Company also teaches physical theatre workshops, both short and long term, in Schools, Colleges and Universities across Canada and abroad. From mask making to movement to mime technique to stage combat, clown and mask performance the Company offers an exciting array of informative, hands on sessions.
Added on: May 01, 2001 | Hits: 13393
Ophaboom Theatre was formed in 1991 to develop and perform Commedia dell'Arte.Drawing on Medieval Theatre and the origins of Commedia dell'Arte Ophaboom set out to create a popular style of theatre that would resonate with a modern audience, in the manner of strolling players. The company has performed at festivals, on the street, in theatres and other less conventional venues. Ophaboom have performed at every Venice Carnival since 1994, were the first English company to perform at the Medieval Festival in Le Puy-en-Velay and have performed in France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Belgium and Germany
Added on: May 01, 2001 | Hits: 7586
The 'Players' are a group of actors in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), who got together in the summer/fall of 1991 and have been together ever since. Well, some of them have. As with any body of people - especially in a volunteer organization like the SCA, some come and go, others stick around ...
Added on: May 06, 2001 | Hits: 8349
Site in Danish. Theatre of mime - but the theatre have mask - workshops in their education program.
Added on: May 07, 2001 | Hits: 7595
is not more just a name of the theatrical group, but the adjective, or the condition. Condition of being against, more for action than properly words. In a world where any middle of obtaining profit justifies crimes, robberies, fraud, to be devoted to the art as research already denotes certain insaninity degree, according to the effective patterns. It can be only Fora do s?riO. Really Fora do s?riO is the vindicative found to hold on to the art as survival form in the world! Fora do s?riO is the fixation / existence of this work in the interior, Ribeir?o Preto, out of the axis Rio-S?o Paulo. Fora do s?riO is the found form of joining the professional artists' work that they dedicate the time to find new forms of integration of languages for best expression and communication.
Added on: Nov 30, 2001 | Hits: 7844
Gimme Theatre combine contemporary performance and themes with Commedia dell'Arte to produce a style that is fast, funny, physical, a bit satirical and highly absurd. They might be compared to other companies such as Ophaboom in the UK, who are reinventing the form to reach a wide audience while staying true to the Commedia spirit. The stunning leather masks used by the performers are made by Antonio Fava
Added on: Apr 28, 2002 | Hits: 8900
Masked Theatre. Existed for ten years. Given 1200 performances in Europe.
Added on: May 07, 2002 | Hits: 7638
A traditional Morris Dance team based in Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK - one of the few mixed Cotswold Morris teams in the area. We perform dances collected early this century from Cotswold villages such as Adderbury, Bledington and Bampton, and Lichfield in Staffordshire A Mummers' play is a traditional dramatic entertainment, still performed in villages of England and Northern Ireland, in which a champion is killed in a fight and is then brought to life by a doctor. It is thought by some that the play has links with primitive ceremonies held to mark important stages in the agricultural year. The name has been connected with words such as mumble and mute; with the German mumme ("mask," "masker"); and with the Greek mommo (denoting a child's bugbear, or a frightening mask). Mummers were originally bands of masked persons who during winter festivals in Europe paraded the streets and entered houses to dance or play dice in silence. "Momerie" was a popular amusement between the 13th and 16th century. In the 16th century it was absorbed by the Italian carnival masquerading (and hence was a forerunner of the courtly entertainment known as masque).
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 7514
Traditional English ceremonial dance, theatre & song
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 8372
Photos, stories, scripts
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 8141
We dance, play and sing because we enjoy it! England has a rich tradition of folk dance and music, rooted deep in the past but still living in the present and changing into the future. We want to share our enjoyment of all this with others, both with visitors from overseas who are interested in England, and at home with anyone who appreciates this intrinsic part of our culture. We are based in Harpenden, in the District of St Albans, Hertfordshire.
Added on: May 19, 2002 | Hits: 8267
there are also several people who partake in performances involving the masks where the characters are portrayed in a comic drama. Plays involving all or some the seven lucky gods or shichifukujin (?????_) are popular and also include another character called the hyottoko. Mr. Hiroji Hashimoto has been entertaining audiences playing the role of the silly hyottoko for over thirty years and when he puts on the mask, you can tell he still loves it.
Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Hits: 7588
A movement based performance company incorporating dance, masks, stilts, and giant puppets in theatrical and environmental settings giving workshops and performances in the United States, Australia, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim.
Added on: Jun 04, 2002 | Hits: 7552
Another direction we can take when looking for the meaning behind the Green Man is to study the character known in England as 'Jack-in-the- Green'. This was a figure who joined the May-Day revels in the 19thC, becoming particular!y associated with the chimney sweeps who along with many other trades, used this national holiday as an opportunity to boost their lean income with a little begging. In return, they provided some entertainment of rowdy variety. This involved them dressing up in gaudy tinsels and ribbons, with blackened faces "like morris dancers" and performing a rough and ready dance around a Jack-in-the-Green to the music of shovels, sticks, drums, and whistles. The Jack was a man inside a conical framework of wicker covered with leaves. A small gap was left in this, through which the occupant could peer- very like some of the Green Man figures in the churches.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 8609
Puppets and Masks of Italy. A study guide. Performance. Education.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 7604
Working with masks and giants too. "For the past 8 years, Jan Burger and Donovan Zimmerman have worked with the Haw River Festival. Two years ago Emma Skurnick joined them. Today, they comprise the Dreaming Dog Puppet Theater, who will be joining the parade at the 1999 F?te de la Musique, as well as performing two shows in the course of the day"
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 7630
"Sidha Karya" is a white-faced, smiling, demonic mask which is used to elicit both fear and laughter. The Sidha Karya character appears at almost every important religious ceremony in Bali; in fact, the name Sidha Karya means "the ceremony may be successfully concluded" (Sidha = to be able, Karya = ritual work). As the final mask to appear in topeng (a ritual masked dance performance), Sidha Karya makes the conclusion of the ritual possible, often through the dramatic gesture of grabbing a child from the onlookers and giving him some coins from an offering; a task easier said than done because children quickly shy away from his fearful (yet, as everyone knows, benevolent) visage. ShadowLight is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. It is funded by foundation grants, corporate and individual contributions. To find out more about ShadowLight or to become a sponsor please sign our guest book. We offer Wayang Bali performances in your home or community center, as well as original film and performance videos as part of our continual fund raising efforts. Contributions are tax-deductable.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 7643
BOXTALES Theater Company uses storytelling, music, masks, and movement to present world myths and folktales to families and young audiences.
Added on: Jun 09, 2002 | Hits: 17648