Category: Start / Mask ensembles / Mask performers
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* Professional performances in classic style * Workshops in movement and improvisation * Mask making * Scenario writing and character development * Early music and dance * Stage combat lessons
Added on: Jun 17, 2007 | Hits: 16602
English version of website under construction 2007 - june.
Added on: Jun 17, 2007 | Hits: 16404
Lothar Lempps Objekt-Komik-Theater A skurril performance with objekts, and masks made from objects. Nebelschwaden - D?mmerlicht, pl?tzlich ein gigantisches Unget?m: eine Riesenraupe. Sie kriecht langsam vorw?rts. Ihre Augen: hell strahlende Fahrradscheinwerfer, die Haut: Jutes?cke und ?bergest?lpte Fahrradreifen. Ein Schrei, glei?endes Licht, die H?llen fallen und schon steht Lothar Lempp auf der B?hne. Was dann folgt l?sst sich kaum auf einen Begriff bringen. Comedy, Maskentheater, Musik, Performance, das alles findet statt in seinem Programm ?SACHEN SUCHEN?. Nichts ist vor ihm sicher, kein Alltagsgegenstand, der nicht als Maske belebt oder als Instrument zum Klingen gebracht werden kann. Auch die Zinkwanne im Weltraum und der verstopfte Abfluss in der Oper sind f?r Lothar Lempp nicht nur denkbar, sondern auch spielbar. ?Man muss sich in die Dinge hineinbegeben, um die Perspektive zu ver?ndern ? nur so kann man sein Bewu?tsein erweitern.? Diesen Rat f?hrt Lothar Lempp auch praktisch vor: Er steckt seinen Kopf zur mentalen Reinigung in den Staubsauger, meditiert ?ber Rei?n?gel und Zollst?cke und kommt zu dimensionbrechenden Erkenntnissen. Musikalisch wird das Ganze noch untermalt durch innovative Instrumente wie Eierschneider und E-Schrubber. Lothar Lempp verbl?fft und begeistert. Indem er Ungew?hnliches mit gew?hnlichen Dingen macht, erschafft er eine phantastisch-skurrile Poesie der Zweckentfremdung.
Added on: Aug 09, 2006 | Hits: 15806
Mask - Mime - Music. Performances - workshops - projects
Added on: Mar 02, 2006 | Hits: 15829
Danish performer and puppetry- and maskartist Svend E Kristensen and his "Mediet og Masken" Stageart Theatre, which includes artexhibitions with sculptural value and artinstallation with sound and lights. Mediet and Masken works with an approach towards absolutely modern ritual context puppetry performancetheatre with life-sized hypernaturalistic puppets and masks. Mediet og Masken works also with huge marionettes for outdoorsettings, such as 3,5 meter tall marionettes mounted with parts from Hindsgaul Mannequins Denmark. A new Superpuppet is under construction, research in hypernaturalistic puppets, granted from the artcouncil in Denmark. The puppet will be constructed as a life-sized item in carbon fibers and epoxy. It will only be a display, hollow as it is, like a god, super strong and super light full body screen. Artexhibitions for especially kids are one of our new ways of expression after the huge succes with "The Dragon you will quite never see it" and "Traces of A Dragon" best visited exhibiton of senses in Kunsthallen Brandts Kl?defabrik in 16 years. Svend E Kristensen is translated into Japanese, english, with texts on ritual, religion, masks, puppetry and modern settings : Ritualistic Orientated Performance from cult to Epic. ASEF Singapore. More Texts are presented on the webside. www.medietogmasken.dk
Added on: Dec 16, 2005 | Hits: 19347
A rural touring company based in Gloucestershire,UK, using commedia dell'arte masks and traditions to create a financially viable theatre for as wide an audience age range as possible. Some masks and pictures, some commedia philosophy, some photos and a lot of persistance.
Added on: May 06, 2005 | Hits: 17166
Sun & Moon Ensemble is an international performing arts organization founded in 2001 and based in San Francisco. The Ensemble's productions involve theatre, dance, movement, masked characters, giant puppets, and live music, played for an audience of all ages and backgrounds. Sun & Moon Ensemble is available to present indoor and outdoor performances and processions at theatres, festivals, schools, street fairs, and other events. We also teach workshops in theatre arts for professionals, amateurs, and youth. Artistic Director, Maria Lexa
Added on: Mar 24, 2005 | Hits: 22455
Ziggurat Theater Ensemble, Los Angeles' Mythic Theater, presents original works written and directed by Stephen Legawiec. His company of actors are gifted mask performers. Using masks created by resident artist Beckie Kravetz, Ziggurat presents new works inspired by world mythology
Added on: Sep 18, 2003 | Hits: 17062
Site in Swedish. Teater & Atelj? Kompani Bastard erbjuder tj?nster ur tv? huvudsakliga verksamhetsgrenar - teater och hantverk. V?r breda kunskapsbas ger oss ocks? m?jligheten att erbjuda ett stort utbud av ?vriga tj?nster (Ad Hoc). Teater Bastard Teater med mask har urgamla traditioner. Kompani Bastard spelar teaterf?rest?llningar som bygger p? gamla europeiska masktraditioner vilka under 1500-talet utvecklades till commedia dell ?arte.
Added on: Mar 31, 2003 | Hits: 15174
( An excellent masktheatre company based in Berlin.MMW saw Fl?z live in DK, and highly recommend it.) " Fl?z production is a pool of professional theatre makers for highly qualified actors, mimes, clowns, musicians, directors, mask-builders, dancers, stage designers and light designers. Most of the artists have graduated at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen and Ecole Jacques Lecoq, Paris. Fl?z production is not only touring internationally but is concerned with creating international theatre. It attracts a very broad and international audience. Fl?z production owes the richness of its plays to this fact, especially as the specific qualification of each member merge together and like a chemical reaction create a whole that has its own originality.It has never been attempted to adapt any existing play but to take advantage of the creativity of every individual artist by entering the process of creating a show with all the members together. Fl?z production is based in Berlin. Its members come from Argentina, Germany, France, Spain, United States, Switzerland, Slowakia and Italy"
Added on: Mar 01, 2003 | Hits: 16032
Knowing that tales of the past hold precious secret, humans throughout time have looked to sacred texts, myths and life stories, hoping to gain access to a measure of distilled wisdom. Suzanne Benton's mask performances lay that wisdom bare to those who hear and see her tales. In cultures throughout the world, forms of traditional mask dance drama combine stylized voice, movement, and character masks to enact stories of human and divine experience. Benton has created her own version of this ancient dramatic practice, performing it for 29 years to audiences ranging from 50 to 5000 in 28 countries. She welds her expressive and unique masks out of steel, sometimes brazing them with bronze and uses them in performances that reclaim tales from worldwide sources, transforming them into personal and moving life stories
Added on: Feb 11, 2003 | Hits: 14304
Maskmaker, naturalist, entertainer
Added on: Feb 08, 2003 | Hits: 14739
links to many B+P acitivities, interviews etc..
Added on: Dec 26, 2002 | Hits: 23919
Mask, puppet and "foolery" company based in Calgary, Canada. Create their own masks and performances. Tour locally, nationally and internationally. FESTIVAL. Curates and organizes an international Festival of Animated Objects biannually (next festival in 2005) focusing on mask and puppetry.
Added on: Dec 19, 2002 | Hits: 17121
Traditionroots way back to year 1483..Revival of devils and witches..Beautiful masks here. "Angeregt durch den alten Offenburger Fasentruf "Schelle, schelle Sechser, alli alti Hexe!", kommt im Jahr 1933 ein junges Offenburger P?rchen auf die Idee, eben diese "alti Hexe" zum Leben zu erwecken. Gedacht, getan. Mit Freude und Begeisterung werken, kleben, kitten und n?hen sie an einer Hexenmaske. Strohz?pfe h?ngen sie ihr an und stecken sie unter ein rotes Kopftuch."
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 14879
The Tradition in Waldsee goes way back to to 15th century. Today there are 2100 hundred members and 2300 masks gathered her yearly!!1 Site in German
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 16455
Traditional German maskgroup - Narrenzunft. Beautiful masks and fascinating characters with great stories behind them...Site in German.
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 15837
Traditional German Mask group for trad. carnival - Fasnacht. Wonderful witches among the characters. " Die Sage der Kohlwaldhexe, wurde vom fr?heren Rektor der Sulzbergschule, Herrn Traub, zur Verf?gung gestellt. 1989 gesellte sich zu den Kohlwaldhexen die Einzelmaske des K?hlers, mit dem, der Sage nach, die Hexen im Kohlwald droben ihren Mummenschanz trieben."
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 22639
Traditional German Fasnacht troupe. Beautiful masks. " Zur Geschichte der Furtwanger Fastnacht Ende Januar 1926 wollten die Furtwanger Vereine - sie hatten die traditionsreiche b?uerliche Fastnacht bislang organisiert - wegen der schwierigen Wirtschaftslage "von jeder Fastnachtsveranstaltung Abstand nehmen". Doch die vielen Freunde der Furtwanger Fastnacht konnten sich damit nicht abfinden: Sie protestierten heftig und gr?ndeten die Narrenzunft Sp?ttlebuebe. ?ber 800 B?rger hatten sich dazu in der Festhalle versammelt. Der ?lteste Furtwanger Fastnachtsbeleg geht ins fr?he 18. Jahrhundert zur?ck, er bezeugt den "Hirschmendig", gefeiert an der alten Fastnacht. Weitere Belege dokumentieren auch f?r das 19. Jahrhundert eine an Einzelfiguren reiche Fastnacht, darunter wohl auch ein Strohb?r, so j?ngste Erkenntnisse."
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 15380
( Great photo gallery covering years of fasnacht with masks in Switzerland. ) Herrscher vergangener Epochen, Besucher aus den Tiefen des Alls, gef?hrliche D?monen, unheimliche Wesen aus fremden Welten, Narren die einem das Blut gefrieren lassen, Krieger aus vergessenen Zeiten, Kr?fte des Windes, verf?hrerische M?rchenwesen verfolgt von listigen Zwergen, verr?ckte Gestalten voller ?berraschungen, gr?ssliche Monster, Alptr?ume die wahr werden, Armeen die ausflippen, Marionetten die zum Leben erweckt werden
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 15476
BIG NAZO is an international performance group of visual artists, puppet performers, and masked musicians who unite to create bizarre and hilarious larger-than-life sized characters, environments, and spectacles Their innovative mask & puppetry techniques combine stand-up comedy, Sci-Fi, Go-Go dancing, daredevil stunts, soap opera hysterics and professional wrestling with live rock & funk music and audience-interactiveimprovisation.
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 25514
French Mask Theatre company - Site in french. Implant?e depuis 1982 ? Gonesse, elle r?alise une ou deux pi?ces chaque ann?e. Th??tres classique et contemporain se succ?dent : de Marivaux ? Sartre, de Feydeau ? Lanoux , de Von Horvath ? Arrabal... Des cr?ations, ?crites par des acteurs de la Compagnie, voient ?galement le jour : caf?-th??tre, commedia dell'arte, drame romantique (parodi?)...
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 20905
The Joshua Squad is a theatre mime, mask, commedia ministries group that focuses on missions work in the arts. The Joshua Squad, performing arts ministry team from Belhaven College, from its first year of inception has captured the imagination of audiences of all ages and from all walks of life. In an effort to raise funds to travel and go on missions trips, the Joshua Squad books appearances at churches, civic groups, business meetings, and other special events. Performing with the Mississippi Symphony, for birthday parties or in church functions, the Joshua Squad hopes to focus on the attributes that the Apostle Paul described in Philippians 4:8-9. Funds from appearances go directly to the missions fund for the Squad.
Added on: Nov 17, 2002 | Hits: 15043
Madcap Productions Puppet Theatre is a nonprofit, touring children's theater company which combines giant puppets with actors to create a unique style of puppet theater. Madcap wants to introduce children to a whole new concept of puppetry, one that allows all the elements of theater to be combined in an artistic and educational performance. Now in its twentieth year, the company offers in production both original scripts and fresh adaptations of old tales.
Added on: Nov 16, 2002 | Hits: 15462