Category: Start / Mask ensembles / Mask performers
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Doch nicht nur w?hrend der n?rrischen Tage sind die rund 80 H?str?ger der Narrenzunft aktiv. Sie beteiligen sich rege am Stadt- und Vereinsgeschehen. So stellt die Narrenzunft bereits seit vielen Jahren mehrere Mannschaften beim Jedermannschie?en der Sch?tzengilde. Auch beim Kegeln, Fu?ball- oder Volleyball spielen ist die Narrenzunft St. Georgen oft mit dabei. Auch beim Stadtfest liefert die Narrenzunft vor allem kulinarische Beitr?ge. Einer der Vereinsh?hepunkte au?erhalb der Fasnacht war sicherlich 1994 ein Auftritt in Bratislava/ Tschechei, wo eine kleine Gruppe H?str?ger im Auftrag der Tourist Information St. Georgen ?ber 1000 G?ste in Stimmung brachte und so den Namen der Narrenzunft weit ?ber die Region hinaus bekannt machte.
Added on: Mar 09, 2001 | Hits: 3765
Dr Narro isch a fr?hliche Narrefigur, die ?fters in unserem Gai vorkomme dut. Sei wei?es H?s isch mit Ranke oder Blume g'stickt oder a'gmolt und auf seiner Maske wodlet bunte Strau?efedre. Mit seim G'schell fallt 'r ?berall auf und verdoilt Guzzle aus seim Henkelk?rble
Added on: Jan 19, 2001 | Hits: 4557
The Tradition in Waldsee goes way back to to 15th century. Today there are 2100 hundred members and 2300 masks gathered her yearly!!1 Site in German
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 5876
Seattle-based theatre director, designer, performer, and playwright In the puppetry, mask, and theatre work I do, visual art and performance art come together. Each of these are integral to how I approach my work, and each complement the other. How a puppet or mask moves is equally important to how it looks, and the attention to detail in construction is as necessary as the attention to detail in performance. In performance, I draw on a diversity of sources from folklore to current events, and often engage socially relevant themes to shape the narrative. Using shadow puppets, masks and storytelling for intimate indoor performances, and high impact and highly visual giant puppets, stilt-walking, and dance for outdoor shows, I strive to challenge my audiences to think creatively and critically about the world we live in. The use of puppetry is central to what I do. Puppets challenge us to think creatively and imaginatively and question preconceived notions of 'reality.' Puppets constantly subvert notions of what is 'real' and what is 'unreal,' challenging the limits of what we think possible, turning our world upside down. Puppets dismiss the rational and prosaic, reintroducing us to myth, a vitally important component in re-envisioning or lives and our world.
Added on: Sep 28, 2002 | Hits: 4374
Wenn dieser Ruf durch die Offenburger Altstadt schallt, dann ist sie wieder da die Fasentszeit mit ihrer ausgelassenen Fr?hlichkeit, ihrem bunten Treiben und ihren Offenburger Hexen. Viele Jahrzehnte lang vollf?hren diese krummnasigen, spitzkinnigen und broll?ugigen Gestalten ihre tollen Besenspr?nge, oder zelebrieren ihr gespenstisch-teuflisches Hexenritual. Fr?hliche Angst und heiteren Schrecken verbreitend, fahren sie auf ihren Besen in die Menge und den kreischenden Frauen ins Haar. Mit fester Hand greifen sie sich hier und da ein Opfer heraus, mag es sich noch so wehren, und sperren es in den h?lzernen K?fig........
Added on: Feb 18, 2001 | Hits: 5277
Traditionroots way back to year 1483..Revival of devils and witches..Beautiful masks here. "Angeregt durch den alten Offenburger Fasentruf "Schelle, schelle Sechser, alli alti Hexe!", kommt im Jahr 1933 ein junges Offenburger P?rchen auf die Idee, eben diese "alti Hexe" zum Leben zu erwecken. Gedacht, getan. Mit Freude und Begeisterung werken, kleben, kitten und n?hen sie an einer Hexenmaske. Strohz?pfe h?ngen sie ihr an und stecken sie unter ein rotes Kopftuch."
Added on: Nov 22, 2002 | Hits: 4513
Ophaboom Theatre was formed in 1991 to develop and perform Commedia dell'Arte.Drawing on Medieval Theatre and the origins of Commedia dell'Arte Ophaboom set out to create a popular style of theatre that would resonate with a modern audience, in the manner of strolling players. The company has performed at festivals, on the street, in theatres and other less conventional venues. Ophaboom have performed at every Venice Carnival since 1994, were the first English company to perform at the Medieval Festival in Le Puy-en-Velay and have performed in France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Belgium and Germany
Added on: May 01, 2001 | Hits: 3800
About ORISHA ~ introduction and background information ORISHA International was established in 1995 and is currently based in New South Wales. Our aim is to promote the Arts as an integral part of everyday life; to acknowledge the vibrant diversity of Australian cultures and the cultures of the World; to encourage cultural awareness and understanding between peoples; to encourage creative expression and artistic potential; to encourage the use of languages and artistic 'tools and techniques' to enhance human communication skills; to encourage community cultural development; to encourage motivation and social action through forum theatre and issues based community theatre; to further research performance techniques to enable continuous creation of new and vibrant styles. ORISHA creates and performs, dynamic and vibrant cross cultural theatre productions incorporating Dance, Masks, Music, and Puppets from Occidental and Oriental styles. The result of these varying rhythms and movements is considered, uniquely, an Australian hybrid
Added on: Feb 13, 2001 | Hits: 4020
The Peace Pilgrims are twenty foot giant puppets that dance beneath the slopes of the great Rocky Mountains and delight the many visitors who come to Estes Park, Colorado. The Peace Pilgrims represent the power of the mask- the power to think in larger terms than our small lives. Their presence fosters the conditions of peace by bringing people together with powerful imagery, music, energy and collective celebration
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 4040
A movement based performance company incorporating dance, masks, stilts, and giant puppets in theatrical and environmental settings giving workshops and performances in the United States, Australia, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim.
Added on: Jun 04, 2002 | Hits: 3790
You know what clowns look like. Red noses, white masks and so on. But do you know what a Senegalese clown looks like? Well, the red nose is still there. But for the rest, Chikov (Mariem Faye), Pathou (Patricia Gomis), Dada 1st (Maktar Dada) and Kassoulet (Cheikh Tidiane Kass?) are inspired by the traditional masks of the Bororo Fulanis. The reason is simple: "Usual white masks covering all the face look odd on black skin, and red and white spots go better together with the colourful costumes," explains Marcia de Castro, the troupe's director."
Added on: Mar 30, 2001 | Hits: 3808
"Sidha Karya" is a white-faced, smiling, demonic mask which is used to elicit both fear and laughter. The Sidha Karya character appears at almost every important religious ceremony in Bali; in fact, the name Sidha Karya means "the ceremony may be successfully concluded" (Sidha = to be able, Karya = ritual work). As the final mask to appear in topeng (a ritual masked dance performance), Sidha Karya makes the conclusion of the ritual possible, often through the dramatic gesture of grabbing a child from the onlookers and giving him some coins from an offering; a task easier said than done because children quickly shy away from his fearful (yet, as everyone knows, benevolent) visage. ShadowLight is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. It is funded by foundation grants, corporate and individual contributions. To find out more about ShadowLight or to become a sponsor please sign our guest book. We offer Wayang Bali performances in your home or community center, as well as original film and performance videos as part of our continual fund raising efforts. Contributions are tax-deductable.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 4008
Wonderful site with fasnachtgroups of Siebnen. Fotos gives you a great impression of the strong swiss mask tradition. (Siebnen is about 40 km east of Zurich,CH )
Added on: Jan 26, 2001 | Hits: 3779
Heavy metal band performing masked.
Added on: Jan 25, 2001 | Hits: 4065
The Spiral Q Puppet Theater seeks to mobilize communities, empower marginalized people and illuminate the victories, frustrations and possibilities of living in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia and similar urban settings through the construction of full-scale giant puppet parades, toy theater and neighborhood pageantry. Through its puppet parades and pageants, Spiral Q is resurrecting and reclaiming an almost forgotten form of people's theater to amplify and unite the power and vitality of those working for change through art-making, protest, and civic theater. Matthew (Mattyboy) Hart founded Spiral Q as a shadow puppet theater, staging performances at local benefits and events. Social change groups came to Spiral Q to make puppets, props and effigies for demonstrations and education campaigns. Through these building sessions Philadelphia activists started to discover new ways of working together and communicating their issues.
Added on: Oct 07, 2002 | Hits: 4294
Knowing that tales of the past hold precious secret, humans throughout time have looked to sacred texts, myths and life stories, hoping to gain access to a measure of distilled wisdom. Suzanne Benton's mask performances lay that wisdom bare to those who hear and see her tales. In cultures throughout the world, forms of traditional mask dance drama combine stylized voice, movement, and character masks to enact stories of human and divine experience. Benton has created her own version of this ancient dramatic practice, performing it for 29 years to audiences ranging from 50 to 5000 in 28 countries. She welds her expressive and unique masks out of steel, sometimes brazing them with bronze and uses them in performances that reclaim tales from worldwide sources, transforming them into personal and moving life stories
Added on: Feb 11, 2003 | Hits: 3845
"TaskMaskers shares joy with others through mask theater. By creating, educating, and performing in mask, we seek to reach people and evolve them through laughter and pathos" + EDUCATION AND WORKSHOPS
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 4323
"TaskMaskers shares joy with others through mask theater. By creating, educating, and performing in mask, we seek to reach people and evolve them through laughter and pathos"
Added on: Jan 16, 2001 | Hits: 3810
English version of website under construction 2007 - june.
Added on: Jun 17, 2007 | Hits: 6228
The Venetian Company "Teatroimmagine" was born in 1989 on the initiative of a small group of young artists who had different experiences in the Venetian Popular Theather.
Added on: Jan 15, 2001 | Hits: 3979
Another direction we can take when looking for the meaning behind the Green Man is to study the character known in England as 'Jack-in-the- Green'. This was a figure who joined the May-Day revels in the 19thC, becoming particular!y associated with the chimney sweeps who along with many other trades, used this national holiday as an opportunity to boost their lean income with a little begging. In return, they provided some entertainment of rowdy variety. This involved them dressing up in gaudy tinsels and ribbons, with blackened faces "like morris dancers" and performing a rough and ready dance around a Jack-in-the-Green to the music of shovels, sticks, drums, and whistles. The Jack was a man inside a conical framework of wicker covered with leaves. A small gap was left in this, through which the occupant could peer- very like some of the Green Man figures in the churches.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 4068
Dorchester's pageant giants are never happier than when they're at a festival or parade. Since 1987 they've been adding a higher perspective to events in Dorset and the wider world. From one point of view they may be no more than animated statues of metal, plastic and fabric. From another they are fantasy made real. To the open-minded, including the eager minds of children; they are visitors from the land of fairy-tale.
Added on: Nov 08, 2002 | Hits: 4059
BIGG maintains a list of currently active giants, the majority of the giants on list are not BIGG members. This list is updated as changes are reported, it will never be completely accurate. The list is very out of date. was are contacting as many giant groups as possible and hope to be able to post a more accurate list someime in the spring (2000). If you know of any giants not on this list, or if any entry should be amended or deleted; please tell us.
Added on: Nov 08, 2002 | Hits: 3730
The 'Players' are a group of actors in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), who got together in the summer/fall of 1991 and have been together ever since. Well, some of them have. As with any body of people - especially in a volunteer organization like the SCA, some come and go, others stick around ...
Added on: May 06, 2001 | Hits: 4687
The Green Fools are a physical theatre company based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company is dedicated to the production of innovative performances,which are often performed in unusual settings.
Added on: Dec 30, 2000 | Hits: 5438