"It is thought by many that the loss of the old ways of living, close to the living Earth and close to our tribes, is responsible for the social and environmental problems we face today, so a return to the old ways will be a healing force in the world in this life and time. Druidism today is not an abandonment of technology, nor is it a rejection of society. It is not a retreat from the world into an illusory garden of delight where problems need not be faced. Rather, it is an affirmation of our needs in this life, and an energetic attempt to take power over them. " "The Druids emerged from the ancient Celtic tribes, at a time when the people had to live close to nature to survive." Brendan Myers - The Creator of this great site
Category: Myths - legends - spirituality - spirits - fairy t
Added on: Jan 26, 2001 | Hits: 10827
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