a Step by Step guide to creating your own Life Mask! Welcome! I've created this site because I've discovered that so many people, like me, are absolutely fascinated with masks. This site is a kind of "e-guide" that will lead your easily and successfully through both the technical steps (it's easy-really I promise!) as well as some of the more profound therapeutic applications and soulful self-discovery that can be realized by making your own (or another's) Life-Mask. For starters you might want to take a look at About Masks and a few Examples of Self-Masks? or, if you're ready to dive in and get started, you can just jump right in to Making a Face Mask and let your Self-Mask begin! I offer Mask Making Workshops, and I Create Commissioned Life Portrait Sculptures of people using the life casting as a mold for a ceramic or bronze finished piece...
Category: Maskmakers / Other materials - latex - mixed media etc.
Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Hits: 32030
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