The Masked Journey with Dr. Peggy Hunt and Bea Joy Borden July 12-14 The Masked Journey with Dr. Peggy Hunt and Bea Joy Borden July 12-14 The Shaman and The Mask have been associated for millennia. Mask dancing, visions, songs and storytelling have traditionally been important components of the ceremonial life of our ancestors. Masks representing animals, nature spirits, deities and aspects of the human experience have been used in cultures throughout the world. The mask can be a powerful instrument of transformation. The Masked Journey weekend workshop is a multi-dimmensional workshop. It is about spiritual healing, creativity, expression, and receiving our highest good. We will combine mask-making, ritual, and journeying with our spirit guides to discover creative solutions to present challenges in our lives. In this workshop we will use percussion instruments (drums, rattles, click sticks), toning and other vocal sounds in rituals of transformation. We will ask for a vision of a personal mask, and will then make the masks. We will drum and dance and journey for a personal ritual to be shown in detail how your mask is to be decorated and used. On Sunday afternoon, we will do the Power Dance of The Masks. Cost of this weekend: $285.00
Category: Teaching - workshops - education
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 10343
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