Back in the late 1970's, the influence of Planet of the Apes, Rick Baker's King Kong, and Star Wars inspired many of the members of this group to start experimenting with acting, make-up, props, and costumes. The discovery of science fiction conventions in the LA and San Francisco areas lead us to assemble the Merry Monkeytime Players several times per year for weekends of fun and debauchery. Reuniting for John Chambers' 75th birthday party in '97 brought back all the fun, childhood memories, and inspiration that led us all in creative career directions. The Players of APEMANIA come from all walks of life. Some of us are actors, some are artists, all of us love Planet of the Apes. Here's a look at who we are with and without make-up. Click on the characters for each performer's own unique story
Category: Maskmakers / Other materials - latex - mixed media etc.
Added on: Jun 05, 2002 | Hits: 18618
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