Masks are tools which enable us to visualize reality in the spirit of our imaginative natures, allowing us to transform our inner and outer selves according to our vision. In truth we all wear masks, living ones. Some of us hide behind them, others judge them according to what is chiseled in their stone, some of us use them as vehicles of expression to win friends and influence people, some few of us wear them openly, unafraid of their shape-shifting powers which freely show inmost emotions and feelings through ever changing gestures upon its surface. Therein is the use of Theatre and its Mask traditions. A skilled actor can create never before seen moments with such a tool. We are told to emulate the actor in our daily lives, we being the passing character upon the stage of life. Thus life itself could be viewed as ART and all of Creation being a Mask upon the face of EMPTINESS. Should any who practice this ART need a Mask, only ask.
Category: Maskmakers / Leather
Added on: Jun 21, 2002 | Hits: 23401
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