by M. Macha NightMare Covenant of the Goddess is a bunch of Witches. We presumably share values and beliefs. And we try to work by consensus. However, we have only one annual meeting, called Grand Council, to conduct all business for the upcoming year. This takes place over a mere three days, so there's pressure to get business taken care of. In our concern for completing the "business" of CoG, we sometimes overlook or forget the shared values that have brought us together in the first place. In Starhawk's novel, The Fifth Sacred Thing, a sense of the sacred, of the presence of the whole of nature, is injected into business meetings by having mask-wearers, each aspecting a different element or animal, taking part in the meeting. The novel inspired me to put the idea into practice. With masks made by sculptor Eleanor Myers, I first employed this method at CoG's Grand Council in 1996. I hoped to bring back to meetings a visible and tangible reminder, to resacralize our meetings with the constant physical presence of the Elements of Life. I hoped it would remind us of the sacredness and balance we need if our work is to have meaning.
Category: Mask tradition / Rituals
Added on: Feb 10, 2003 | Hits: 17072
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