MaskaSoo was created to share with you the mystery of the masquerade. Its creator calls herself an artist rather than a mask-maker, as she creates her masks from imported plastic molds, which are sometimes either cut and/or reshaped to achieve the desirable shape. These molds, you could say, act as canvas for the artist to express her art. Each mask is hand-made, one-at-a-time, by only one artist and is the results of her passion and love for the art of creating magical power through fascinating designs. We can only wish that these masks evoke in you the same feeling as those described in reference to Swarovski's "Masquerade" trilogy crystal figurines: "They reach out and touch our souls, stir up our emotions, and kindle the desire in us all to join in the mystery of the masquerade". MaskaSoo is now making these masks available to anyone who is a mask lover or collector, or simply anyone who wishes to join in the "Masquerade".
Category: Maskmakers
Added on: May 17, 2003 | Hits: 13160
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