We not only wish to sell . We hope you ?ll really enjoy our work and get excited , as well we experience it at the time of manufacturing. Although we?d really like you to buy our handicrafts , - since they are our way of life - by means of the masks we?ll try to be a point of meeting with different specialties and feelings .We accept any kind of suggestions . Our "Mask investigation workshop center" , hopes to exchange information , experiences of differents events and workshops , questions , doubts , certainties , etc. concerning the mask from different points of view (theoretical or technical aspects , anecdotes , etc.) Example : we?re looking for pictures of buffoons , jesters and clowns ; if you have somethings like this , and want to send one , we?d appreciate your help. !!
Category: Maskmakers
Added on: Apr 02, 2001 | Hits: 4072
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