(Go TO Bottom of page and click on masks.)Works in ?Stone Cardboard? Aquest material permet de fer obres molt grans i tamb? molt petites, ja que ?s un material que, despr?s de seguir tot un llarg proc?s, d?na un producte de qualitat, el qual ?s perdurable i consistent. A Catalunya ?s un ofici arrelat des de fa molt i molt de temps, oferint un ampli ventall de peces com: Gegants i Nans; Carrosses, tant per a Reis/Epifania com per a Carnestoltes; motius d'adornament i decorats teatrals i per a envelats; titelles, nines, cavalls, capses i un llarg nombre d'altres coses. This material can be used to create works of both very large and very small dimensions, since it is a material that, after undergoing a long process, gives a high-quality product which is solid and durable. This craft has been established In Catalonia for hundreds of years and has offered a wide range of artistic works, such as: Giants and Dwarfs; parade floats for the Magis of the Epiphany, as well as for Carnival (Mardi Gras); decorative themes of all kinds and theatrical settings; puppets, dolls, hobby-horses, coffers, caskets and countless other items.
Category: Maskmakers
Added on: Jun 04, 2001 | Hits: 4024
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