Huichol Art & Legend Ramon de la Torre, Huichol indian, artist and artisan, has collected these legends from the elder Huichol people. It has taken him almost 30 years of work. Ramon has worked with these legends as themes for his pictures. Mauricia is following her father's steps, adding her style. Our planet today is in great economic and climatic turmoil. We have much to learn from a culture which has withstanded nature's and history's turmoils with a low-impact philosophy centered in deep relationships with our real sources of well-being. The legends and pictures of the Huicholes speak of the way they relate to the sun, to corn, flowers, deer, death, the stars, the wind and the sea. The Huichol people also have their own version of the great flood.
Category: Maskmakers / Other materials - latex - mixed media etc.
Added on: Jan 17, 2001 | Hits: 7931
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